IE-498 / IE-499 Report and Presentation Guidelines Prepared, Presented by: Graduates Committee 12:30 – 1:30 PM (Room: A1-46) Wed. Dec 22, 2010 (16/1/1432H)


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Presentation transcript:

IE-498 / IE-499 Report and Presentation Guidelines Prepared, Presented by: Graduates Committee 12:30 – 1:30 PM (Room: A1-46) Wed. Dec 22, 2010 (16/1/1432H) 1

 General Guidelines  Report Guidelines  Presentation Guidelines 2

 IE-498 Prerequisites (College Requirements) ◦ Must have completed ≥ 128 cr. hr. from IE plan  i.e. must have ≤ 32 cr. hr. for graduation ◦ Must have completed first 7 levels of IE plan ◦ Exception:  Completed only 125 cr. hr. from IE plan  i.e. must have ≤ 35 cr. hr. for graduation  AND  Either: Total GPA: ≥ 3.00  Or: GPA: previous 2 semesters (excluding summer) ≥

 IE-498: Intended Learning Outcomes [ABET] 1.Ability to identify project problem and statement [a, e]  based on realistic needs and relative constraints. 2.Ability to review related data, knowledge, experiences from credible sources [a, e] 3.Ability to formulate problem covering methodology: [e]  integrating knowledge, info. from previous courses  addressing realistic constraints, and  generating alternative design options, solutions 4.Ability to identify and evaluate design criteria, [a, e] e.g.:  design viability, evaluation criteria, and  problem reformulation based on available data 5.Ability to plan project effectively [e]  using project planning techniques (timing, budgeting) 6.Ability to carry computations and/or experiments of the design project [e] 7.Capability to communicate orally and in writing the project design details in a technical report [a, g, k] 8.Capability to work effectively as member of team [d] 4

 IE-499 Graduation Checklist ◦ Submit IE 499 initial report, presentation on time ◦ Deliver your IE 499 presentation on time ◦ Make all necessary corrections to report ◦ Submit 4 copies of the final report on time  Note, must ask supervisor AND examiner to sign them  One copy to the examiner  One copy to the supervisor  One hardcover copy (+ CD: report and presentation)  One paperback copy: graduation coordinator ◦ See Graduation Checklist (to be posted) for further details 5

 IE-499: Intended Learning Outcomes [ABET] 1.Ability to implement project parameters and assumptions correctly [c and/or b] 2.Ability to carryout design calculations and/or use of experimentation tools effectively [e, k] 3.Ability to perform parameters estimation of design and/or experiments [c, k] 4.Ability to make trade-off studies [c, f]  to refine design and/or experiments 5.Ability to evaluate relevant constraints [h, j],  in particular environmental and safety issues 6.Ability to analyse, evaluate design criteria [c and/or b] 7.Capability to communicate orally and in writing the project design details in technical report [c, g, k] 8.Capability to work effectively as member of team [c, d] 6

 Important Dates, Deadlines (subject to change) IE-498 IE EVENTHIJRI DateGregorian DateDay(/Time) Submission of reports to IE Secretary 13/02/143217/01/2011 Monday (before 01:00 pm) Submission of presentations to IE Secretary 14/02/143218/01/2011 Tuesday (before 01:00 pm) Presentations 15/02/143219/01/2011 Wednesday EVENTHIJRI DateGregorian DateDay(/Time) Submission of reports to IE Secretary 7/02/143211/01/2010 Tuesday (before 01:00 pm) Submission of presentations to IE Secretary 8/02/143212/01/2010 Wednesday (before 01:00 pm) Presentations 11/02/143215/01/2011 Saturday Submission of FINAL reports to IE Sec. 25/02/143229/01/2011 Saturday (before 01:00 pm)

 Cont. Important Dates, Deadlines ◦ All presentations: MS PowerPoint format ◦ Initial report: 3 points for every day late ◦ PowerPoint presentation: 3 points for every day late ◦ Examination day: NO SHOW ⇒ fail course! ◦ Final Report (IE 499 only)  Remember: signed by supervisor AND examiner  Deadline: Saturday 29 January, 2011 (25 Safar, 1432)  Note, in case of conflict: go by day of week  NO SHOW ⇒ fail course! 8

 Course Grading (subject to change) 9 Evaluated by AssessmentTaskOccurrenceWeight Supervisor 1 Technical work during semester Weekly20% 2 Work attitude during semester Weekly10% 3 Quiz and oral evaluation 10 th Week15% 4 Student peer review 14 th Week5% Examiner 5 Final Report: Technical Content 15 th Week25% 6Writing Skills15 th Week12.5% 7 Oral Communication Skills 15 th Week12.5%

 Important Forms ◦ IE-498: student information form  Fill and deliver to IE secretary ASAP ◦ IE-499  Graduation Request Form (for A&R) – KSU requirement, must fill ASAP!  note, contains photo also  indicate –expected- employer (if known)  Information Form (placed in final report) – Departmental requirement ◦ Peer review form  to be handed to you by advisor ◦ Course Evaluation Form (498, 499)  To be available with IE secretary soon ◦ Other forms (IE-499): to be announced 10

 Graduation Report Library ◦ Includes graduation reports sorted by year  Currently working to organize (by subject) ◦ Good sources  May contain similar ideas, design strategies, etc.  Good references ◦ Borrowing  Seek graduation committee coordinator  Find reference(s)  Fill out borrowing form  Check out: Maximum 3 days (copy all needed data)  Return in “mint” condition  Hold: record of students who fail to return! ◦ Plagiarism: absolutely not tolerated!  Remember to cite these reports properly (in report) 11

 See Attached Documents ◦ Report writing guidelines (read carefully) ◦ Sample front page and approval form 12

 Basics ◦ Goals of presentation  Test of students’ oral skills  Opportunity to demonstrate work to professors  Gaining familiarity with professional presentations (i.e. simulating work-related presentations) ◦ ALL IE 498 and IE 499 students have to present ◦ Duration (each group):  IE 498: 15 minutes  IE 499: 20 minutes  Questions and Answers: 5 minutes  Note, time is very tight (overtime ⇒ lose points!) 13

 Contents of Presentation ◦ Title Slide  Student names  Student numbers  Project title  Advisor’s name ◦ Introduction ◦ Methodology ◦ Results and Discussion ◦ Conclusions ◦ Major references 14

 Important Reminders ◦ Recommended length: slides  Summarize, avoid excessive detail  Stress, clarify major points ◦ Literature review: 1-2 slides ◦ Use appropriate fonts, background ◦ Use good photos/diagrams/graphs/etc  Avoid excessive graphics/audio/animation etc. ◦ Make eye contact with audience ◦ Use clear, loud speech ◦ Make several rehearsals ◦ Seek advise of your supervisor ◦ Make sure presentation answers ILO’s! ◦ Relax and try to enjoy 15

 Formatting ◦ Avoid small letters  make sure text visible from a several meters away ◦ Avoid small tables  Include only critical information ◦ Use proper photographs, drawings, etc.  Combine with text if possible  Label properly  Show relation to work (instead of just reading text!) ◦ Enhance your presentation with flow chart/ outline  Important to have this in beginning ◦ Include slide numbers, project title in slide footer ◦ Avoid spelling, grammatical mistakes  Review with advisor ◦ PPT Presentation should be ALL in English 16