GU-CDAC-GSLab 1 Helpdesk for University Students by Goa University (GU), Goa Center for Dev. of Advance Computing (CDAC), Mumbai GSLab Pune Joint proposal submitted under National Mission on Education through ICT [NME-ICT]
GU-CDAC-GSLab 2 Executive Summary Proposed Helpdesk system is expected to guide the students beyond the classroom hours Its an Inter-institutional, Inter-disciplinary project involving a private software development company Collaborators –V. V. Kamat, Goa University, Goa –M. Sasikumar, CDAC Mumbai –Shridhar Shukla, GS Lab, Pune –M. V. Pitke, Ex-TIFR
GU-CDAC-GSLab 3 Executive Summary Proposed project duration 30 months Cost of pilot phase Rs lakhs (6-8 months) Total cost of the project Rs lakhs
GU-CDAC-GSLab 4 Agenda Problem Definition Proposed Solution Plan for Pilot project Financial Estimates Q & A
GU-CDAC-GSLab 5 Problem Definition In the current setup, University students do not get personalized help when faced with difficulty The reasons –Huge class strength –Poor teacher to student ratio –Pressure of completing the syllabus –Restricted time of teacher availability –In experienced teacher
GU-CDAC-GSLab 6 Primary target audience Students registered for various degree programs –Formal –Non-formal Students answering competitive exams –GATE –UGC NET
GU-CDAC-GSLab 7 Some limitations of the system Good teachers are available in few colleges but they are not accessible to students from other colleges In small towns, private coaching classes are not available or are unaffordable by economically weak students Retired teachers and other knowledgeable members of the society often remain under utilized resource
GU-CDAC-GSLab 8 Some limitations of the system … If many students have similar query, teacher ends up repeating the answer and wasting valuable time Freshly recruited teacher themselves may have difficulties that they don ’ t know whom to ask
GU-CDAC-GSLab 9 Proposed Solution Helpdesk system on lines of call centre proposed Students to dial a single number for all queries IVR system to classify queries into different types –Administration specific –Information specific –Discipline specific –Subject specific –Topic specific
GU-CDAC-GSLab 10 Proposed Solution … System to maintain database of teachers & support staff along with their time of availability Query can be asked through multiple interfaces –Landline, Mobile, SMS, Web interface... System to maintain an integrated view of query All queries to be recorded and select queries to be made available in FAQ for future searches
GU-CDAC-GSLab 11 Proposed Solution … Unanswered queries to be automatically escalated to the next level subject matter expert Query to remain open till the student is satisfied with the answer provided Entire process to remain transparent and open for quality audits
GU-CDAC-GSLab 12 Proposed Solution … Hardware viewSoftware view
GU-CDAC-GSLab 13 Solution Highlights Better response time to keep students motivated Physical travel requirement will be minimal Convenient access via phone, SMS, , web Access to teachers from prestigious institutions Better utilization of faculty time
GU-CDAC-GSLab 14 Solution Highlights … Frequent queries can be converted into FAQ ’ s Query tracking keeps tab on the quality Replicable model in other Universities
GU-CDAC-GSLab 15 Some Positive Social Impacts To provide level playing field and address the problem of digital divide To indirectly assess the competence of students & the teachers To provide useful information for a remedial action
GU-CDAC-GSLab 16 MonthsDeliverable 62 courses to be serviced 128 courses to be serviced 1813 courses to be serviced 2418 courses to be serviced 3022 courses to be serviced Sr. NoSubjects 1Computer Science 2Chemistry 3Mathematics 4Physics 5Biology Subject and Course Delivery
GU-CDAC-GSLab 17 Name for the project ? Ask SIRji –SIR (Student Information Resource) SAHARA –Student –Assistance –Helpdesk –Anywhere –Responsive –Affordable
GU-CDAC-GSLab 18 Why Multi-institution Collaboration? All expertise is not available at one institute Complement efforts rather than duplicate it Each collaborator to play a specific role in project It ’ s a great learning experience
GU-CDAC-GSLab 19 Why Goa University? Only University in the State of Goa Small geographical spread, ideal state for a pilot Progressive state with high penetration of IT University has experience in training using ICT
GU-CDAC-GSLab 20 Why CDAC Mumbai (formally NCST)? Amongst first few to embrace ICT in education Has collaborated with Goa University since 1992 Currently consultant to ICT project funded by state University students are routinely selected at CDAC
GU-CDAC-GSLab 21 Why involve a private company? Private sector brings in professional practices in code maintenance and delivery Expertise in system integration is better available in the private sector
GU-CDAC-GSLab 22 Why Outsource? It is desirable to outsource the work that falls beyond the expertise & scope of collaborators However all outsourcing to follow –University ’ s procurement rules and outsourcing policy –Guidelines and regulations of funding agency
GU-CDAC-GSLab 23 Pilot phase (6-8 months) First 3 months would involve –Recruitment of project staff –Setting up of call centre infrastructure –Establishment of a network of subject matter expert –Training the call center staff & the teachers for Q & A What it will deliver? –Q & A support for 2 subjects in Computer Science –Basic facility of asking questions on the phone –Tracking of Q & A
GU-CDAC-GSLab 24 Total Estimated Project Cost Phase DurationPeriod Cost in Rs. Lakhs Pilot 6 monthsOct 09 – Mar st Year 12 monthsApr 10 – March nd Year 12 monthsApr 11 – March Total cost228.61
GU-CDAC-GSLab 25 Institution wise cost distribution GUCDACGSLabTotal Pilot First Year Second Year Cost distribution
GU-CDAC-GSLab 26 Projected Expenditure – Pilot (6 month) GUCDACGSLabPilot Non-Recurring Expenditure Equipment Recurring Expenditure Human Resource Phone & Internet4.20 Travel & Training0.75 Consumables0.25 Contingency Software service 1.20 Publicity & Promotion0.50 Total
GU-CDAC-GSLab 27 Human Resource Cost (Pilot) 6 Months Rate Cost (Lakhs) Pilot1 Sr. Lecturer Rs.50,000/pm Project Assistants Rs.25,000/pm 3.00 Consultancy FeeRs.10,000/day * 4 days Resource faculty Rs. 100/hr * 2hr/day 3.60 Total Months Rate Cost (Lakhs) Pilot1 Sr. Staff Scientist Rs.75,000/pm Project Engineers Rs.30,000/pm 5.40 Total 9.90
GU-CDAC-GSLab 28 Cost 1 st year of operation GUCDACGSLab1 st Year Recurring Expenditure Human Resource Phone & Internet8.40 Travel & Training1.50 Consumables0.50 Contingency Software service 2.40 Books & Journals1.50 Conference2.00 Promotion1.00 Testing & promotion1.00 Total
GU-CDAC-GSLab 29 Cost 2 nd year of operation GUCDACGSLab1 st Year Recurring Expenditure Human Resource Phone & Internet8.40 Travel & Training1.50 Consumables0.50 Contingency Software service 2.40 Books & Journals1.50 Conference2.00 Promotion1.00 Testing & promotion1.00 Total
GU-CDAC-GSLab 30 Questions & Answers Thanks!