Teresa Woods Rosemont 6 th Grade
What is a Comes from the Hawaiian Phrase Wiki Wiki Which means super fast. Comes from the Hawaiian Phrase Wiki Wiki Which means super fast. One example of a large wiki is the Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia in many languages that anyone can edit.
What can you do with a Wiki Interactive assignments Embed videos Store Web Links Home work assignments Embed Web 2.0 creations Post course notes Class/organization Calendar Post course notes Syllabus Parent Information
Rosemont 6 th Grade Library Arbor Heights Elementary Sample Wikis
Post Home work and parent information 7 th Grade Home Work
Share Student Work Springfield
Share and Organize Web Links Mr. Valdez – Social Studies
Student Oriented & Interactive Corzet Math
Post Student information, Assignments and handouts. Mrs. Pilgreen - English I MOS Review Speech Class
Interactive assignments Ipod Project 6 th Grade Remedial English 07.pbworks.com/w/page/ /FrontPage 7 th Grade Science
Widgets Embedding a video & Web 2.0 items High School British Lit. Rosemont 6 th – Voki, Aminoto
Do’s Use the “Help” button Identify yourself Make the Wiki user friendly Start small, start with 1 assignment or just a few pages Have a Plan Make sure each student can find the wiki and navigate through it. Make a separate page for each subject, topic or project Give each page a slightly different look The navigation is the key. Keep it maintained. Only have relevant pages visible. (Pages can be hidden until you are ready to use them.) When you add a link to an external site; do have it open in a new window.
Post student information as names, grades etc. Make your Wiki to “busy”. More is not always better. If you post a photo of a student you must have a signed press release. Have non-working links Don’ts
Where to Start Wiki Spaces Wetpaint Wikis in Education PpWorks
Resources 17 Interesting Ways to use a Wiki Wikis in Education Design Ideas Wikis in Plain English