Word 2007
The Ribbon is one of the major changes for Word The Ribbon is composed of Tabs, Groups, and Commands. TabsCommands Groups
Tabs There are 7 basic tabs across the ribbon that represent different activity areas. Clicking on different tabs changes the ribbon to show new groups and commands.
Groups Each tab has different groups with related commands. Clipboard group Font group Paragraph Styles group Editing group group
Commands A command is a button or box in a Group that is used to enter information or a menu. Commands
Dialogue Boxes Some groups have dialogue box launchers in the bottom right corners. These open dialogue boxes.
Mini Toolbar The Mini Toolbar appears if you select text to modify. It appears faint at first, but becomes more solid as you move your mouse to it. The mini toolbar has common formatting commands grouped together.
Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar contains common commands such as Save, Undo, and Repeat and can be modified to include other commands such as Print.
Office Button The Office Button is located in the upper left-hand corner of the window, and contains commands for creating, opening, saving and printing Word documents.
Home Tab The Home Tab contains the following Groups and Commands: ◦Font- Includes formatting commands such as Bold, Italics, Underline, Font size, and Font style ◦Paragraph- Includes commands for text alignment, line spacing and bullets ◦Styles- Includes commands for applying Styles to the document
Insert Tab The Insert Tab contains the following Groups and Commands ◦Illustrations- Includes commands for inserting pictures, clip arts, shapes and charts ◦Links- Includes commands for creating hyperlinks ◦Header/Footer- Includes commands for creating and modifying headers and footers ◦Text- Includes commands for inserting text boxes and WordArt
Page Layout Tab The Page Layout Tab contains the following Groups and Commands: ◦Themes- Includes commands to apply themes to the document ◦Page Setup- Includes commands for changing page orientation, margins, and also adding columns and page breaks ◦Paragraph- Includes commands for changing paragraph indents and spacing
References Tab The References Tab contains the following Groups and Commands: ◦Table of Contents – Includes commands for adding a Table of Contents to Word documents ◦Footnotes – Includes commands for adding Footnotes ◦Citations and Bibliography – Includes commands for Inserting Citations (using different styles) and Bibliographies
Mailings Tabs The Mailings Tab contains the following Groups and Commands: ◦Create – Includes commands for creating envelopes and labels ◦Start Mail Merge - Includes commands for merging databases with documents to create form letters
Review Tab The Review Tab includes the following Groups and Commands: ◦Proofing- Includes commands such as Spelling and Grammar Check, Research, and Thesaurus ◦Comments- Includes commands for adding and editing comments on Word documents ◦Tracking/Changes- Includes commands for tracking, approving and removing changes made to Word documents
View Tab The View Tab includes the following Groups and Commands ◦Document Views – Includes commands for changing the View layout of a Word document (Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft) ◦Zoom – Includes commands for increasing/decreasing the magnification of a Word document
Resources Up to Speed with Word 2007 Overview - Training - Microsoft Office OnlineOverview - Training - Microsoft Office Online