Mr. Gibson Classes Defining & Utilizing Action Words in Contextual Settings Week 19: Feb 27 – Mar 02 Two-thousand & twelve.


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Gibson Classes Defining & Utilizing Action Words in Contextual Settings Week 19: Feb 27 – Mar 02 Two-thousand & twelve

SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Good morning! Good morning ladies & gentlemen! Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

Please open your PSAE Vocabulary Journals provided to you this morning by your Advisory Teacher. SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

The PSAE/ACT “action” words to the left are to be entered into your journal. SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Prosperity Provocative Prudent Querulous Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02 Prosperity – an economic state of growth with rising profits and full or near-full employment. Provocative – serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate. A stimulating discussion or exciting controversy. Prudent – careful and sensible decisions or actions; marked by sound judgment. Querulous – habitually complaining.

An economic state of growth with rising profits and full or near-full employment. SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Prosperity pross-PAIR-itty “The nation’s wealth and _____________ depends upon a steady growth in jobs and economic opportunities.” Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Prosper (v) – And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die. The Second Jungle Book by Kipling, RudyardThe Second Jungle Book Kipling, Rudyard Prospering (v) - She said, "All things are prospering with me, and I have only one wish, that there may be a heavy fall of rain, in order that the plants may be well watered. Fables by Aesop FablesAesop Prosperous (adj) - Most of the characters that perform in this book still live, and are prosperous and happy. Tom Sawyer by Twain, MarkTom Sawyer Twain, Mark Url web-site source for use of word variants: Prosperity An economic state of growth with rising profits and full or near-full employment. pross-PAIR-itty Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate. A stimulating discussion or exciting controversy. SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Provocative pro-VOK-ah-tiv “The artistic sculpture was considered to be quite _____________ artistically as the debate raged between the two ideas: it was a great sculpture and it was merely a rock.” Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Provocatively (adv) – As soon as the provocatively merry strains of music began to sound, all the doorways of the ballroom were suddenly filled with men on one side and the women on the other- who with beaming faces had come to dance. War and Peace by Tolstoy, LeoWar and PeaceTolstoy, Leo Provocativeness (n) - What if her rebelliousness--her excesses, provocativeness, and belligerence--are not of a frustrated and ostensibly feminist refusal to conform, but rather the beginnings of a mental illness? From bad girl to mad girl: British female celebrity, reality... by Bell, Emma / GendersFrom bad girl to mad girl: British female celebrity, reality...Bell, EmmaGenders Url web-site source for use of word variants: Provocative serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate. A stimulating discussion or exciting controversy. pro-VOK-ah-tiv Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

careful and sensible decisions or actions; marked by sound judgment. SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Prudent PRU-dent “Do you really think it to be __________ for you to spend all of your money and not save any for possible emergencies?” Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Prudently (adv) – John Dashwood now had time to consider how much there might prudently be within his power to do for them. Sense and Sensibility by Austen, Jane Sense and SensibilityAusten, Jane Prudence (n) – Prudence dictates that if you take care of your pennies and nickels, the dollars will take care of themselves. Prudency (n)- The European Commission is already monitoring the euro zone economies to demonstrate the necessary prudency in fiscal support measures. Gaping hole in public finances by Cyprus Mail (Cyprus) Gaping hole in public financesCyprus Mail (Cyprus) Url web-site source for use of word variants: Prudent careful and sensible decisions or actions; marked by sound judgment. PRU-dent Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

Habitually complaining SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Querulous KWHERE-ooh-luss “The tone of her voice was quite _____________ as her lips became pouty and she put here hands on her hips in protest while stamping her foot.” Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

SY: PSAE/ACT Action Words Querulously (adv) – "It's all very fine to say this and that," Mildred remarked querulously, "but it's jolly difficult for a girl to earn her living by herself; it doesn't make it any easier when she's got a baby. Of Human Bondage by Maugham, W. SomersetOf Human BondageMaugham, W. Somerset Querulousness (n)- He realized now that, even though it had moved his pity, Claire's querulousness had offended something in him. Uneasy Money by Wodehouse, Pelham GrenvilleUneasy MoneyWodehouse, Pelham Grenville Url web-site source for use of word variants: Querulous Habitually complaining. KWHERE-ooh-luss Week 19: Feb. 27 – Mar. 02

“Your protestation is not convincing.” Dr. Milano remarked. “In fact, you sound more whiney, child-like, even ___________ in your response.” Charon’s grey sharp eyes narrowed. “Do you think it _________ Dr. Milano? I mean a human trying to provoke an Elomite?” Milano spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t argue your powers and am not trying to be ___________ and thus move you to anger. However, the way things ended for you and the Grigori six millenia ago I merely wish to suggest your current approach will afford you any _____________ when it comes to being successful this time around.” prosperity querulous prudentprovocative