TOM SAWYER’S ADVENTURES This is a test review.
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A. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state A. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state B. pretence, prescience, presentpretence, prescience, present C.the reason for which something exists or is done, made,the reason for which something exists or is done, made, Next Next
Which group of words most accurately describes Tom’s character? A. Lazy, slow-witted, mean A. Lazy, slow-witted, mean B. Funny, witty, mischievous, troublesome B. Funny, witty, mischievous, troublesome Next
Which word would you use to describe Tom’s relationship with Aunt Polly? Peaceful Peaceful Loving Loving Complicated Complicated Next
What place did Mark Twain use as the setting for Tom Sawyer’s Adventures His beloved state of Connecticut His beloved state of Connecticut His childhood state, Missouri His childhood state, Missouri Next
Click on Mark Twain’s picture Next
Why does Injun Joe want to hurt Tom? Tom has his money. Tom has his money. Tom knows who killed Dr. Robinson. Tom knows who killed Dr. Robinson. Next
Why does Huck run away from the Widow Douglas? Huck does not enjoy being clean and proper. Huck does not enjoy being clean and proper. His father wanted him back. His father wanted him back. Next
In tricking others to whitewash the fence. In tricking others to whitewash the fence. In escaping and helping Becky Thatcher to escape from the cave In escaping and helping Becky Thatcher to escape from the cave
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