How Did Opera Begin RFlorence, Italy in about 1600 RCamerata R“The group that meets in the room” RWanted to start a new kind of music RThey combined poetry and music which led to opera ROrfeo RWritten by Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi in 1607 ROldest opera that is still performed RThe very first opera house opened in Venice in 1637 RFlorence, Italy in about 1600 RCamerata R“The group that meets in the room” RWanted to start a new kind of music RThey combined poetry and music which led to opera ROrfeo RWritten by Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi in 1607 ROldest opera that is still performed RThe very first opera house opened in Venice in 1637
Italian Operas RHad two kinds of music RRecitative RThe characters are telling the story by having a conversation or describing an event RSinging that imitated the way people talk RAria ROne person is expressing his/her feeling about what is happening RHas a more elaborate melody RHad two kinds of music RRecitative RThe characters are telling the story by having a conversation or describing an event RSinging that imitated the way people talk RAria ROne person is expressing his/her feeling about what is happening RHas a more elaborate melody
French Operas RHad more ballet and instrumental music RFrench composer RJean-Baptiste Lully RHad more ballet and instrumental music RFrench composer RJean-Baptiste Lully
English Opera RBegan with masque RA combination of poetry, songs, instrumental music, dancing, and acting performed in the royal court. RGreatest English opera composer was Henry Purcell RDido and Aeneas RBegan with masque RA combination of poetry, songs, instrumental music, dancing, and acting performed in the royal court. RGreatest English opera composer was Henry Purcell RDido and Aeneas
Coming to America RCame from England to South Carolina in the early 1770s RBallad opera RDialogue was spoken rather than sung, and the audience knows the tunes RCame from England to South Carolina in the early 1770s RBallad opera RDialogue was spoken rather than sung, and the audience knows the tunes
Italy in the 1700s ROpera Seria- Serious opera ROpera Buffa- Comic opera ROpera Seria- Serious opera ROpera Buffa- Comic opera
German Opera RSingspiel RLiterally means “sing speak” RSpoken dialogue rather than recitative RThe Magic Flute RThe most famous singspiel RBy Mozart RRichard Wagner RChanged opera by having the orchestra play continuously and the singers sing throughout RSingspiel RLiterally means “sing speak” RSpoken dialogue rather than recitative RThe Magic Flute RThe most famous singspiel RBy Mozart RRichard Wagner RChanged opera by having the orchestra play continuously and the singers sing throughout
Who writes the words RLibretto RThe words to an opera RMeans a “little book” RLibrettist RThe person who write the libretto RDecides what will happen in each scene and what words the singers will speak or sing RLRLibretto RTRThe words to an opera RMRMeans a “little book” RLRLibrettist RTRThe person who write the libretto RDRDecides what will happen in each scene and what words the singers will speak or sing
Who writes the music? Composer RWrites the music RSometimes writes the words too RTakes the words from the librettist and sets them to music that lets us know what the characters are feeling and what kind of people they are RDecides RSize of the orchestra RWhat instruments to use RWhat voices to use RHow many singers Composer RWrites the music RSometimes writes the words too RTakes the words from the librettist and sets them to music that lets us know what the characters are feeling and what kind of people they are RDecides RSize of the orchestra RWhat instruments to use RWhat voices to use RHow many singers
What are they based on? RFairy Tales RCinderella RHansel and Gretel RNovels RBilly Budd by Herman Melville RCarmen by Prosper Merimee REvents RJulius Caesar RBoris Godunov RMyths RTristan and Isolde RBible Stories RAmahl and the Night Visitors RFairy Tales RCinderella RHansel and Gretel RNovels RBilly Budd by Herman Melville RCarmen by Prosper Merimee REvents RJulius Caesar RBoris Godunov RMyths RTristan and Isolde RBible Stories RAmahl and the Night Visitors
What can you expect in opera stories? RSuspense RComedy RMadness RLove RTragedy RHorror RWar RSuspense RComedy RMadness RLove RTragedy RHorror RWar