The (time) Period from (year) to (year) By:
(composer 1) (insert picture)
(composer 1) Born: –(–(insert) Died: –(–(insert) Country from: –(–(insert) Music mainly for: –(–(insert) Worked with: –(–(insert) Most famous work: –(–(insert)
(composer 2) (insert picture)
(composer 2) Born: –(–(insert) Died: –(–(insert) Country from: –(–(insert) Music mainly for: –(–(insert) Worked with: –(–(insert) Most famous work: –(–(insert)
$$$$$$ Money!!! $$$$$$
Type of music Purpose for writing: – (insert) Popular type of music: – (insert)
New ideas
Happenings in the World Event/fact 1 Event/fact 2 Event/fact 3
Artists during the Time Artist 1: Insert picture Artist 2: Insert picture
Quick quiz! When was the (time) period? – (insert) Name 2 composers from this period. – 1. – 2. What new musical ideas and instruments came about at this time? – 1. – 2. What was the main/popular type of music? – (insert)