IPv4 to IPv6 Group A2 - Roland Hollis - EJ Chambers - Rachit Gupta
Outline Aspects of IP Version 4 What about Version 5? Aspects of IP Version 6 Features of IPv6 Auto-Configuration Qos IP Security
VersHLEN Service Type Total Length Identification Flags Fragment Offset Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum Source IP address Destination IP address IP Options (may be null) Padding IP Datagram Data (up to bytes) VERS IPv4 Header
IPv4 Addressing 2 32 Unique IP Addresses This equates to be roughly 4 billion IP Address This should be enough, but because of network classes, many IP address are left unused This spawned the concepts of Subnetting, CIDR and subnet 10
IPv4 Addressing CIDR – Classless Inter Domain Routing CIDR and subnetting work together. Allow collapsing of contiguous class C networks into a single routing table Subnet 10 Leaves the topology of your network up to administrator. Gateways and Proxies are the intermediary between the internet and your network
Other Methods Other Methods include NATs – Network Address Translation Acts as a buffer between global internet and your subnet. IP masquerading is a commonly used technique for Linux A modern NAT gateway must change the Source address on every outgoing packet to be its single public address
IPv5 (?) Why are we skipping from v4 to v6? IPv5 never existed! The version number “5” was assigned to identify packets that carried experimental non-IP real-time stream protocol called SP It was abandoned for RSVP
VersClass Flow Table Payload Length Next header Hop Limits Source Address 128 bits (4 x 32 bits) Destination Address 128 bits (4 x 32 bits) VERS IPv6 Header
IPv6 Addressing IP Address 340 Undecillion IP Addresses So everyone including your cat and dog has one Allows true end to end communication A.k.a. No need for proxies and NAT Multicasting is required, unlike in IPv4
Features of IPv6 Has a fixed header size, which then has a fixed packet size Checksum value was removed since they are provided in data link and transport layers
NAT Breaks end to end communication Routers monitor and change the data Breaks Bi-directional communication Hosts with global address cannot initiate communication
IPv6 Address FP – Format Prefix Denotes addressing format used TLA – Top Level Aggregation Indications country or large carrier R – Reserved for future use Some instances is combined with NLA
IPv6 Address Con’t NLA – Next Level Aggregation Identifies a company or internet provider SLA – Site Level Aggregation Assigned by superior identity Interface Id 64 bit IEEE EUI-64 address of hardware Ie the MAC
Auto configuration Neighbor Discovery Protocol Dynamically determines information about directly attached networks Replaces IPv4 ARP Multicast vs. ARP’s broadcast Plug and Play Stateful and Stateless auto configuration
Quality of Service Different type of traffic be treated differently by intervention router in Internet. IPv6 has “Flow Label” – Sender can request request special handling. IPv6 header has an 8-bit traffic class field.
IP Security (IPSec) A set of security services can be provided through use of traffic security protocol The Authentication Header(AH) The Encapsulation Security Payload(ESP)
References The Internet Protocol Version 6 David C. Lee and Daniel L. Lough The Next Generation of the Internet: Aspects of the Internet Protocol Version 6 Daniel C. Lee, Daniel L. Lough, Scott Midkiff, Nathaniel J. Davis, Phillip E. Benchoff IPv6 – Future Approval Networking Hui Huang, Jian Ma
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