Welcome to LDS Jeopardy! Be certain your answers in question format.
Final Jeopardy Question Creation Jesus Christ is our Savior 500 Thank God in All Ways Prophets Teach us to live the Gospel The Restored Gospel Gethsemane
What did God say about the things that were created? Answer
DAILY DOUBLE (you can gain 800 points if correct). On the fourth day of creation God made 3 things, what are those 3 things? Answer
300 True or False: we are created in God’s image? Answer
We have been sent to earth to gain a _________ and to be tested.
Who were the 1 st 2 people who lived on the earth? Answer
True or False: Because Jesus Christ was resurrected, I will be too. Answer
Because of Christ’s atonement, I can __________ and live with God again. Answer
True or False: John said: “And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.” Answer
Did Nephi say “Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and in a fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer”? Answer
Who said ““I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” Answer
What 2 instruments did Joseph Smith use to translate the golden plates into the Book of Mormon? Answer
What is the name of the Heavenly visitor who told Joseph Smith where he would find the golden plates? Answer
Name the 2 types of Priesthood that were restored by Heavenly messengers?
What happened to Joseph Smith when he went to the Sacred Grove to pray to know which church was true? Answer
True or False: After Jesus Christ and his apostles died, gospel truths were lost.
Name 2 ways the Holy Ghost can bless your life Answer
Jesus Christ and other prophets have taught us to be baptized and blank when we are 8 years old. Answer
300 List 3 things the Word of Wisdom teaches us to not use. Answer
Which Prophet originally taught us to pay tithing? Answer
Who is our current prophet and under whose direction does he lead the Church? Answer
How many times did Jesus find the apostles asleep? Answer
What did Jesus ask Heavenly Father to take away from him? Answer
What made Jesus Bleed from every pore? Answer
Who were the (3) Apostles who went with Jesus to Gethesemane? Answer
What is Gethsemane? Answer
If we are thankful for the gospel in our lives, then we should do what for others? Answer
Name 4 temporal blessings you have. Answer
DAILY DOUBLE (your team can earn 600 points for this answer). What do we leave from the scriptures about our bodies? “My body is a blank” (temple)
Name 2 spiritual blessings we have. Answer
What should we thank Heavenly Father for?
Choose how many of your points you want to double. If you get the question right, you add more points. If you get the question wrong, you stay the same. Question
What are the names of the 4 people that should attend the Bishopric Meetings? Answer
Who are Adam and Eve? Back
What is a body? Back
What is “True”?
Back What is the sun, moon and stars?
Back What is “Good or Very Good”?
Back Who is Joseph Smith?
Back What is “Yes”?
Back What is True? (1 John 4:14)
Back What is Repent?
Back What is “True”?
Back What is “True”?
Back What is Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Appeared?
Back What are the Aaronic and Melchizedek?
Back Who is Moroni?
Back What is the Urim and Thummim?
Back Who is Thomas S. Monson and Jesus Christ?
Back Who is Malachi?
Back What are Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Alcohol
Back What is be confirmed to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Back What are to Help us CTR, comfort us, guide us, etc.?
Back What is the Garden where Jesus went to Pray?
Back Who Peter, James, and John?
Back What is The weight of all of the sins and illnesses of the world?
Back What is the job he was about to do?
Back What is 3?
Back What is Everything?
Back Who are the Scriptures, Holy Ghost, The Savior, etc.?
Back What is “Temple”?
Back What is food, the earth, pets, books, family, etc?
Back What is Share it?!!!!
Who are Bishop (enter his name here) 1 st Councilor (Enter his name here) 2 nd Coundilor (Enter his name here) Executive Secretary (Enter his name here) If you were right, add your guess to your score. If you were wrong, subtract your guess to your score.
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