Leadership for Learning September 5, 2007 LEARNERS = LEADERS
The way to learn is by leading. The way to lead is by learning. Anonymous
PURPOSE To provide experiences, tools, strategies, and resources that will enhance participants’ effectiveness as facilitators of adult learning.
Desired Outcomes Understanding of principles that support adult learning Working knowledge of a framework for increasing learning – my own and others’ Insights gained from reflection and collegial dialogue
Today’s Agenda Who are we and why are we here? Who are adult learners? What are principles of excellence? How can we plan for success? Reflections & Next Steps
In order to know what I think, I have to write and see what I say. Roland Barth
Reflection Complete the left side of your SUCCESS! form. Brainstorm the current strengths and growth targets you bring to this work.
With your table group … Share your name, role, and work location Share your reasons for being here. Getting Acquainted!
LEARNING BUDDIES # 1 ________________________ ________________________ # 2 ________________________ # 3 ________________________
NORMS FOR OUR LEARNING Share experiences to enrich others. Listen through the filter of a question. Pay attention to your “feathers”. Learn by doing – apply to your own work. Postpone distractions.
What do they need? ADULT LEARNERS …
1.Collaboratively chunk the text to be read. 2.Designate a conversation initiator for each chunk. 3.Everyone reads the first chunk. When all readers are ready, person #1 “says something” to begin a brief conversation about what was read. 4.Repeat the process until all text has been read and discussed. SAY SOMETHING
WHO are Adult Learners? by Steven Covey
1.Inquiry into underlying assumptions deepens the learning process. 2.Learning is an active process that occurs over time. 3. Learning is driven by the learner around meaningful issues. 4. Learning is experimental by nature. 5. Learning is fueled by rich, diverse, accessible sources of information. Principles of Adult Learning
Think about implications of the Principles of Adult Learning. Discuss with your table group: What might you need to consider when putting each principle into action? What examples of application can you share?
Speaking to Four Audiences Which audience member do you most identify with? What are examples of staff development strategies that work for you, as a learner? Which audience members are most prevalent in your staff?
With a colleague... What personal examples can you share that demonstrate the dimensions of success?
Putting the Pieces Together TASK: To complete a 100 piece puzzle Pay attention to the Criteria for Success. Follow the rules.
With Learning Buddy #2... What “feathers” did you gain from this activity? Work together to plan an upcoming event.
We must become the change we want to see in the world. Gandhi
What is your learning curve? Off the Charts Stagnant Formal Education Present
How do members of my work community see me as a learner? Rate yourself on the scale of Non- learner to Voracious Learner. Record evidence for your rating. Rate yourself “through the eyes” of colleagues, parents, students, or others. Provide evidence for each rating.
Think, Pair Share... Designate partner A and B. Partner A shares reflections, without interruption, for 2 minutes. Partner B reflects back what was said. Repeat process.
Reflection Complete the right side of your SUCCESS! form. Add to your current strengths and identify a single growth target for your next steps.
Until you are willing to be confused about what you already know, what you know will never become wider, bigger or deeper. Milton Erickson, M.D.
What we know today does not make yesterday wrong, it makes tomorrow better. Carol Commodore