Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Students With an apology to Stephen R. Covey
BE PROACTIVE TAKE THE INITIATIVE Look to what is needed Take the responsibility Ask questions Calculate your grade Setup a support network
BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND A personal mission statement Create a plan What grade will you earn? What project will you select? What resources do you need? What is your time schedule?
PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST Important Not Important
THINK WIN/WIN Character - The Foundation Integrity - the value we place on ourselves Maturity - the balance between courage and consideration Mentality of Abundance - there is enough for everyone
THINK WIN/WIN Relationships built on trust form the foundation of character
THINK WIN/WIN Partnership Agreements - Five elements: Desired results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences
THINK WIN/WIN Support systems must reward win/win behavior The win/win process embodied in habits 5, 6 and 7.
SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD Empathic Listening Diagnose before you prescribe
SYNERGIZE Value the difference Build on strengths Compensate for weaknesses
SHARPEN THE SAW Four Elements of Renewal Physical - exercise, nutrition, stress management Mental - reading, visualizing, planning Social/Emotional - service, empathy intrinsic security Spiritual -value clarification and commitment, study, meditation