Carboxylic Acids These are organic acids. The most common one is ethanoic acid. The functional group is C OH O
Carboxylic Acids Naming The prefix is the same as alkanes The suffix is –anoic acid
Hydrocarbons H H H C C C OH H H O There are 3 carbons – Prop Contains COOH – anoic acid Name is Propanoic acid
Carboxylic Acid Carboxylic acids have acid properties. They have a pH less than 7. They are weak acids. They react with metals to produce H 2 and a salt. They react with carbonates to produce CO 2, H 2 O, and a salt.
Carboxylic Acids When carboxylic acids react they produce a negative ion. Called –anoate ion Eg ethanoic acid produces ethanoate ion CH 3 COOH → CH 3 COO -
Carboxylic Acids Ethanoic acid + magnesium magnesium ethanoate + hydrogen CH 3 COOH + Mg → (CH 3 COOH) 2 Mg + H 2
Carboxylic acids Carboxylic acids dissolve in water because they are polar compounds. The –OH group at the end of the molecule makes the molecule polar. If the carbon chain is too long then the acid loses its polar properties.