1 Item Analysis - Outline 1. Types of test items A. Selected response items B. Constructed response items 2. Parts of test items 3. Guidelines for writing test items
2 Item Analysis - Outline 4. Item Analysis A. Distracter measures B. Item difficulty measure P C. Item discrimination measures 5. Item Response Theory A. ICCS B. Adaptive testing
3 1. Types of test items A.Selected response Multiple choice Likert scale Category Q-sort B.Constructed response
4 A. Selected response Multiple choice or forced choice Task is to choose between set answers Advantage: ease of scoring Advantage: scoring requires little skill Disadvantage: may test memory rather than comprehension
5 A. Selected response Multiple choice or forced choice Correct response must be distinct; rest of alternatives are distracters Distracters should not be obvious or ambiguous If distracters are bad, more = less reliable test Use 3-4 distracters per item
6 A. Selected response Multiple choice or forced choice Likert format Test-taker chooses a point on a scale that expresses their attitude or belief Data lend themselves to factor analysis
7 Likert scale example item Parking costs at the university are fair Stronglyagreeneutraldisagreestrongly agreedisagree Parking costs at the university are fair 1234 Stronglyagreedisagreestrongly agreedisagree
8 A. Selected response Multiple choice or forced choice Likert format Category Similar to Likert but with more choices Test-taker’s commitment Reliability depends on good instructions & # of categories (≤ 10) Scoring shows context effects
9 A. Selected response Multiple choice or forced choice Likert format Category Q-sort A large set of cards each with statement referring to a “target” Test-taker sorts cards into piles in terms of how accurate statements are as a description of target Generally 9 piles
10 1. Types of test items A.Selected response B.Constructed response Free response Fill-in-the-blank Essay tests Portfolios In-basket technique
11 B. Constructed response items Free response Test-taker responds without constraint Describes what is important to him/her
12 B. Constructed response items Free response Fill-in-the-blank Used to test for knowledge or to find out about beliefs and attitudes
13 B. Constructed response items Free response Fill-in-the-blank Essay tests Preferred when you want to assess test-taker’s ability to think analytically, integrate ideas, and express himself
14 B. Constructed response items Free response Fill-in-the-blank Essay tests Portfolios Not really a test Collections of things the person being evaluated has produced Let you evaluate things you can’t assess with a selected response test
15 B. Constructed response items Free response Fill-in-the-blank Essay tests Portfolios In-basket technique Used in business Job candidate says how he or she would deal with a set of “everyday” problems Requires expert raters to grade response
16 B. Constructed response items Strengths Assess higher-order skills More useful feedback to test-taker Positive influence on study habits? Easier to create items
17 B. Constructed response items Weaknesses Time consuming to use Possible subjectivity in scoring
18 2. Parts of test items A.Stimulus or item stem What the subject responds to
19 2. Parts of test items A.Stimulus or item stem B.Response format or method Typically multiple choice or constructed response
20 2. Parts of test items A.Stimulus or item stem B.Response format or method C.Conditions governing the response e.g., time limits; allowing probes for ambiguous responses; how response is recorded...
21 2. Parts of test items A.Stimulus or item stem B.Response format or method C.Conditions governing the response D.Procedures for scoring the response particularly important for constructed response items
22 2. Parts of test items To some extent, your choices on each of these parts will be dictated by: Precedent What did you do last time? Experience Did that work? Practical considerations How many people have to be tested? How much time is available?
23 3. Writing test items – guidelines Define clearly Why are you testing? What do you want to know?
24 3. Writing test items – guidelines Define clearly Generate a pool of potential items The larger the pool of items you select from, the better the test Selection from this pool based on item-analysis (see below)
25 3. Writing test items – guidelines Define clearly Generate a pool of potential items Monitor reading level If level is too low, more sophisticated test- takers may get bored If level is too high, you’re testing reading skill as well as domain you think you’re testing
26 3. Writing test items – guidelines Define clearly Generate a pool of potential items Monitor reading level Use unitary items Then the meaning of the response is clear
27 3. Writing test items – guidelines Define clearly Generate a pool of potential items Monitor reading level Use unitary items Avoid long items Longer items are more likely to be mis- interpreted by test- takers Short items are more likely to be unitary
28 3. Writing test items - guidelines Define clearly Generate a pool of potential items Monitor reading level Use unitary items Avoid long items Break any response “set” Use reverse-scored items to prevent test- taker’s from getting into a response set such as just responding “5” for every item on a Likert scale
29 4. Item analysis A.Multiple choice distracter measures B.Item difficulty measure P C.Item discrimination index D D.Item – total correlation
30 A. Multiple choice distracter measures How many people choose each distracter? Distracters should be equally attractive Correct choice should be based on knowledge Those without knowledge should choose randomly
31 B. Item Difficulty Measure P Difficulty determined by item and population tested P(i) = # got item correct # taking test
32 B. Item Difficulty Measure P P =.50 is best P = 0 or P = 1 – such items do not distinguish ability levels
33 C. Discrimination Index D Extreme groups method U = # getting item correct in ‘top’ group L = # getting item correct in ‘bottom’ group n U = # in upper group n L = # in lower group D = U – L n U n L
34 D. Item Total Correlation Good item High correlation People who get item correct have high score on the test People who get item wrong have low score on the test Poor item Low correlation: look at wording – may be testing reading skill
35 5. Item Response Theory (IRT) A.Item characteristic curves B.Problems with IRT C.Adaptive testing using computers
36 A. Item characteristic curves Most important idea: Item Characteristic Curves (ICCs) One curve for each test item X axis: test-taker ability (given by test score) Y axis: probability of choosing an answer
Test Score Probability of correct response Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 % of people writing the test who got item correct Ability Each curve shows how probability of getting item correct changes with ability
38 A. Item Characteristic Curves Slope: how quickly the curve rises. indicates how well item discriminates among persons of differing abilities like P(i) in Classical Test Theory but sample-invariant
39 A. ICCs are sample invariant P(i) = # got item correct # taking test P integrates item and group tested: ICCs separate item difficulty and test-taker ability and present both visually in one graph – that is, you can see item difficulty independently of test-taker ability
40 B. Problems with IRT Obtaining stable estimates of IRT parameters requires rather large samples Computationally complex IRT model assumes that the trait being measured is one- dimensional. It may not be.
41 C. Adaptive Testing Using Computers computer selects harder or easier questions as test-taker gets each question right or wrong lets you tailor questions for each test-taker test-taker does not spend most of their time with questions that are too easy or too difficult
42 C. Adaptive Testing Using Computers Facilitates testing of groups of varying ability Output = level of difficulty test-taker can deal with