String Summary
Violin m/watch?v=0OwzDLP 009Yhttp:// m/watch?v=0OwzDLP 009Y This is the smallest instrument in the string family. Is it the highest or the lowest?
This is Vanessa Mae who started as a Classical Violin player and now is a pop player. m/watch?v=PNc278W 45ckhttp:// m/watch?v=PNc278W 45ckViolin
Viola It is quite a bit bigger than the violin but it still fits under your chin! Lower or Higher?
Violin vs Viola Wkhttp:// Wk The man plays the viola and the lady plays the violin.
Cello m/watch?v=Cx6UDgi 9TEA&feature=relate dhttp:// m/watch?v=Cx6UDgi 9TEA&feature=relate d The cello is too big to fit under your chin!
Cello ?v=dZn_VBgkP NYhttp:// ?v=dZn_VBgkP NY The full name for the Cello is the Violoncello!
Double Bass m/watch?v=jWUt2D0 FkdUhttp:// m/watch?v=jWUt2D0 FkdU This is the biggest string instrument. Is he bowing (arco) or plucking (pizzicato)?
Double Bass m/watch?v=EYxoAJ3 Boychttp:// m/watch?v=EYxoAJ3 Boyc Pizzicato or arco?
A String Quartet? You might remember this group from Britain’s Got Talent? m/watch?v=Q34FryA XX9khttp:// m/watch?v=Q34FryA XX9k Which string instrument is missing?
Harp A cousin of the violin! BqkC8bUUo&feat ure=relatedhttp:// BqkC8bUUo&feat ure=related
Harp m/watch?v=roOKolUf vBchttp:// m/watch?v=roOKolUf vBc What is the concept used to describe her playing?