The Industrial Revolution
Why Britain? new farming methods new crops stock breeding more food = lower prices lower prices = extra money extra money = charter co. & joint stock co. = capital political stability natural resources strong navy & colonial markets
On the Continent Lagged behind Britain b/c of the Napoleonic Wars Bel., FR, & German states eventually industrialized primarily in mining & metallurgy combined new machinery w/ cottage industry
Early Inventions Flying Shuttle (c – John Kay) Spinning Jenny (c – James Hargreave) Water Frame (c – R. Arkwright)
Textile Machines New Textile Machines Cheap Goods Increased Consumerism Steam Engine Iron Industry Coal Industry Transportation Industry: RR’s & Steam Ships Commuting Goods to Market
Steam Engine
Railroads on the Continent – c.1850
Ramifications Industrial Middle Class landed aristocracy tied to manufacturers; investors Reform Act of 1832 Industrial Working Class Luddites trade unions Chartists Urbanization problems Chadwick’s Poor Law com. Factory Act of 1833
Thomas Malthus & David Ricardo Population Growth & “Iron Law of Wages” When wages are high, workers have more children. When wages are high, workers have more children. More children create a large labor surplus that depresses wages. More children create a large labor surplus that depresses wages.
Child Labor in the Mines Child “hurriers”
Working Class Housing - Manchester