Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism Estonia. The Parnu County Vocational Centre


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Presentation transcript:

Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism Estonia

The Parnu County Vocational Centre

Estonian Rural Tourism Organisation Esitluse pealkiri3

Survey Number of responses: of them already had started their own business and 5 of them are planning to start. Questionnaire was consulted with Estonian Rural Tourism as a social partner. Questionnaire was sent as a link to the contacts of Estonian Rural Tourism list and answers were gathered through e-formular. Most of the respondents are offering combined services like accommodation and catering or accommodation and active leisure etc.

In which rural tourism sector do you operate?

How many people work in your business?

General business skills

Using computers

Rural tourism services

Self development

In your opinion, which method(s) of training would be most useful to you?

Training needs in Estonia I Rural tourism services (3,322) II Self development (3,304) III General business skills (3,175) IV Using computers (3,072)

Training needs in Estonia Collation by modules Skill area Average score I Rural tourism services3, Developing a sustainable rural tourism business 3,45 2. Developing a tourist business which is accessible to all 3,36 3. Developing a quality customer service 3,34 4. Organising and running alternative leisure activities for tourists 3,30 5. Accommodation management and maintenance 3,16

Training needs in Estonia Collation by modules Skill area Average score II Self development 3, Cultural awareness and foreign languages 3,52 2. Written communication skills 3,39 3. Time planning - balancing work and family 3,27 4. Building confidence and networking 3,25 5. Making presentations 3,09

Training needs in Estonia Collation by modules Skill area Average score III General business skills 3, How to market your business and develop your product 3,23 2. Managing staff and team building 3,23 3. Financial management e.g. sources of finance, cash flow, profit & loss, pricing 3,18 4. Ability to diversify 3,16 5. Legal aspects - finding out about regulations 3,14 6. Business planning and research 3,11

Training needs in Estonia Collation by modules Skill area Average score IV Using computers 3,072 1.Basic word processing 3,57 2.Databases and spreadsheets 3,20 3. Using computers and the internet for marketing – websites, search engine optimisation 3,05 4.Using 2,86 5.Social networking e.g. facebook, LinkedIn, twitter 2,68

Other training needs: Writing projects Exporting services Language practice in language environment Photography Generating ideas Crafts and local food Creating client databases Catering Book-keeping Cooperation, creating different packages for vacation Body language, psychology in marketing, keeping the client Product development Self help techniques to prevent burn-out Occupatinal health care

Other training needs How to use materials from the nature. Creativity training Creating different souvenires Creating a business plan Safety in active leisure Different national cuisines Design in tourism Product design Executing different contracts Environment education Local cultural heritage

Other ideas about trainings Knowledges of tour guiding would be useful. How to reach customers outside Estonia? Learning from the experience of others. Series of trainings could induce enterpreuneers to think more creatively. There are many resources around us that we are not using for our businesses. Training should be as well as practical as mind-broadening. Excursions for trainings are useful. Mentoring and coaching.

Pilot approach (1) How you recruited a representative sample of the target groups e.g. using needs analysis responses, PR From the analysis of the Estonian training needs it can be concluded that 39 of them already had started their own business and 5 of them are planning to start. The target group for training will be women from rural tourism who are active as entrepreneurs at least for a year.

Pilot approach (1) The selection will be based on following conditions: answered questions and desire to participate in the training beginner level knowledge about MS Word and Excel ( Eestis pakutakse kutseõppeasutustes tasuta arvutialaseid koolitusi eri tasemetele ) motivation to finish the training with finished business or marketing plan prepared in the computer plan to build up the new business or marketing plan ready to co-operate and give feedback and explain their answers

Pilot approach (1) PR We have the s and phone numbers of people who answered the questions and we can send them letters or invitations for presentation It is planned to invite all the people from rural tourism entrepreneurs who answered, to the Life Long Learning Week (takes place for 14 th time, from October 7 th till October 14 th ) on October 13 th. Information for homepage: and Through LEADER action groups – Estonia has 26 groupshttp://

PR Enterprise Estonia homepage November 9 th – Rural tourism meeting December 16 th – Pärnu Partnerluskogu meeting Article in press Pilot approach (1)

Pilot approach (2) How you worked with social partners and networks There is very good internet access all over the Estonia, including countryside. Main communication with social partners take place over the internet using s. It is possible to organize gatherings also in the meetings of networks. For example November 11 th the rural tourism meeting; December 16 th Pärnu Partnerluskogu meeting

Pilot approach (3) How you decided on the most appropriate method of course delivery to meet target group needs e.g workshops,use of printed or online course materials Our experience shows that most of the students of Estonian continuing educations want direct lessons, including workshops and fieldtrips to gain experiences. It is possible to use Moodle environment to access educational material

Pilot approach (3) Moodle environment if very well-known and used in vocational training There are a lot of e-training courses but students mostly prefer direct face to face communication. In rural tourism business respondents prefer more direct lessons, workshops and field trips.

Pilot approach (4) How you will plan the sessions to meet the needs of the group using the Pilot Guidelines/quality checklist The target group is planned to be from the active rural tourism entrepreneurs and study sessions consider their individual as well as group training needs. We consider the learning style of each student using appropriate tasks, different activities such as group work to exchange experiences, tests, study tours, searches from databases, make them visit homepages of other tourism entrepreneurs and also participate in social networks.

Pilot approach (4) We can find out the expectations of students’ and trainers’ from feedback surveys (what was very good topic, what is less important, suggestions for organizing trainings). We encourage participants to join online discussion forum on the website. We motivate training participants to answer the feedback surveys correctly.

Pilot approach (5) Any specific requirements for Estonia Eestis on kutseõppeasutustel võimalik pakkuda tasuta koolitusi erinevatele sihtrühmadele ja tasmetele arvuti oskuste täiendamiseks, ettevõtluse alustamiseks ja arendamiseks, erialaseks keeleõppeks jne. Kursusi finantseerivad Euroopa Sotsiaalfond ja Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium (HTM) ESF programmist „Täiskasvanute tööalane koolitus ja arendustegevused“ Meil on edaspidi võimalus tellida HTM-st tasuta koolitus algajatele või edasjõudnutele maaturismiettevõtjatele sama programmi alusel Esitluse pealkiri29

Activities – start WERT pilot course – WERT pilot course,workshops WERT pilot course,workshops and end of pilot course

Thank you!!! The Parnu County Vocational Centre NGO Estonian Rural Tourism Organisation Tartu