Final Exam Review
Practice with the cell models: name and function of each part
#1 Nucleus Controls with DNA
#2 Cytoplasm Fills cell, holds water, holds cell organelles
#3 ER (transport tubes) Tunnels for movement inside cell
#4 Ribosomes Make protein (enzymes, antibodies, hormones, muscles)
#5 Mitochondria Makes energy from food
#6 Chloroplast Makes glucose from light and CO2 (photosynthesis)
#7 Cell wall Protects plant cell only, made of starch called cellulose
#8 Cell membrane Diffusion : movement of water, food and waste in and out of cell
#9 Vacuole Hole for storage of food, water and waste
Which is animal, which is plant? How do you know? Plant has cell wall and chloroplast
How do you make a vaccine to a virus? Use these words to fill in the blanks antibodies, T4 (wbc) cells, inject, BAM, chemical given by a Dr., immune, kill
So it should read A ) kill a virus using chemicals, heat and radiation (why?) Inject the virus into an animal (why not a plant? Animal will make antibodies using T4 (memory) cells from the immune system Next time animal see the real virus, BAM the T4 cells kill it dead
Antibiotic Chemical given by a Dr. to treat a bacteria
Best way to prevent the spread of disease Wash your hands with soap and water
Pumps blood to deliver food, hormones, O2 and CO2 circulatory
Exchanges O2 for CO2 at the alveoli Respiratory
Breaks big molecules into small molecules so they fit inside a cell digestive
Ovaries and testes reproductive
T4 cells and other wbc to fight off infection immune
Makes chemical hormones that control EVERYTHING! Endocrine
Movement, includes tendons and soft tissue Muscular
Homeostasis Keeping body in balance
How does respiratory and circulatory systems work to maintain homeostasis? Respiratory brings in oxygen Circulatory spreads the oxygen to your body
Dominant gene R; always shows
Recessive gene.r ; only shows if there is 2 recessive genes
Co-dominant gene RW; 2 traits share
RR x rr Write the cross (see above) ___ % wrinkled ____ % round
Cross 2 blue egged platypus’ (Bb) B= blue egg.b= white egg Predict % blue egg % white egg Get a teacher check