Jeff Martin, Attachments (Using Yahoo!)
Jeff Martin, 1999 Sending an Attachment.
Jeff Martin, 1999 Sign onto your e- mail
Jeff Martin, 1999 Click on Compose-- to make a new message
Jeff Martin, 1999 Type address Subject This will always be the name of the assignment you’re attaching Message
Jeff Martin, 1999 When you’ve typed the address, subject and message---click Edit Attachments There are no attachments right now.
Jeff Martin, 1999 When you click Edit Attachments, this window will pop up. Click Browse to specify which file you want to attach. When you click Browse--this familiar window will appear. Choose the file you want to attach and click Open.
Jeff Martin, 1999 Your file will be listed as attached. Unless you want to attach another file--- you’re done here. Don’t worry about this error message. Yahoo is just trying to let you know that it wasn’t able to Virus Check the file before attaching. We have virus scanners here in the lab, so this is not a problem.
Jeff Martin, 1999 Your file will be listed as attached. Send your (with attachment).
Jeff Martin, 1999 Reading an attachment.
Jeff Martin, 1999 This has an attachment. (You can tell by the paperclip.) Click the paperclip to open the attachment.
Jeff Martin, 1999 You can right-click the paperclip and choose “Save Target As” if you want to save the attachment on your Z.
Jeff Martin, 1999 THE END (Don’t you feel smarter?)