BELL RINGER Jane Eyre blended two styles of novels: the romantic novel and the gothic novel. According to Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, romanticism emphasized content rather than form; encouraged "freedom of treatment," "introspection," and celebrated "nature, the common man, and freedom of the spirit." The same source defines the gothic novel as a type of fiction "characterized by picturesque settings; an atmosphere of mystery, gloom, and terror; supernatural or fantastic occurrences; and violent and macabre events." Where do you see both elements in the novel so far?
Chapters 8-10 JANE EYRE
HIGHLIGHT AND JOURNAL Do you sympathize with Jane Eyre? Why or why not? Provide textual support for your answer. Why does Helen Burns stay with Jane after her humiliation? Continue to follow how Helen and Miss. Temple treats Jane.
Read the first paragraph of chapter 10. If Brontë means that she has only related events that are important, what are those important events and how are they important to Jane's development as a character? Can we trust Jane as a narrator then?
THINGS TO CONSIDER Describe Miss Temple’s behavior towards Helen Burns and Jane Eyre. Follow and highlight the theme of Religion. Describe the living conditions at Lowood in chapter 9 and it’s relation to Charlotte Bronte. What does Jane question at the end of chapter 9? Link her question to evidence of her doubts, which were previously stated.
Do you agree with Jane’s reasons for leaving Lowood? What are her reasons? How do they contribute to her growth? What does Jane’s want for leaving Lowood say about her? Describe how Bessie addresses Jane when they meet again.