AGM presentation 17 Sep 20141
Audit Opinion Auditor-General issued an Unqualified Audit Report Financial Statements are not materially misstated Opinion is not given on Performance Information Material adjustments to commitments were processed in the current year AGM presentation 17 Sep
Employers info – March ,401 (2013: 18,355) registered employers 4,147(2013: 5,068) employers paying SDL levy - Total levies received R269,9M (2013: R223,1M) Applications received by 30 June 2013 (for 2014): WSP’s =1,759(2013: 1,835 ) Total amount paid towards Mandatory Grants – R54.9M (2013: R99.9M) Payout is 72% AGM presentation 17 Sep 20143
Levy Growth AGM presentation 17 Sep 20144
Levies Analysis YearAmount R’000Percentage Growth % % % % % % AGM presentation 17 Sep 20145
Project Grant Expenditure March 2014 Total project spend: R144.2M (2013: R104.0M) 38.7% increase Top 10 projects on spending 71% of total Project Expenditure 6 Name R-Millions P4 Learnerships 18.2R16.5M P4 InternsR13.6M FET InfrastructureR24.8M P7 Learnerships 18.1R13.2M P7 Commodity OrgsR7.5M P4 Apprenticeship and ABETR4.5m 4.1 Mentoring and support for Land ReformR7.2M P4&P7 Skills Delivery AdministrationR5.4M P7 Skills Programmes 18.1R4.6M P4 Graduate PlacementsR5.7M
Statement of Financial Performance March 2014 INCOME2013/14 R’ /13 R’000 % Movement Levies, penalties & interest 273,565225, % NSF & special projects income 24,70215, % Investment and other income 9,347 8, % Total307,614249, % AGM presentation 17 Sep 20147
Statement of Financial Performance March 2014 EXPENSES2013/14 R’ /13 R’000 % Move Employer grant Discretionary >Paid Movement in Accrual FET Infrastructure 54, ,577 9,856 24,844 99, ,417 2,598 0 (45.00%) 8.05% % 100% Admin expenses and finance costs 31,53428, % NSF & Special project expenses24,70215, % Total255,449247, % Net Surplus/(Deficit):52,1652, % 8
Statement of Financial Position March 2014 ASSETS2013/14 R’ /13 R’000 % Move Property Plant & Equipment4,5024,627(2.7%) Intangible assets Receivables 5 17, ,780 (68.75%) 64.29% Cash and Bank213,847173, % Total236,064188, % AGM presentation 17 Sep 20149
Statement of Financial Position March 2014 EQUITY & LIABILITIES2013/14 R’ /13 R’000 % Move Grant and Other Reserves 168,584116,41944,81% Capitalisation reserve3,107 0% Payable & Provisions61,64167,572(8.78%) Grants & Donor Funding 2,733 1, % Total236,065188, % AGM presentation 17 Sep 2014
Discretionary Reserve AGM presentation 17 Sep 2014 YearDiscretionary Reserve Approved By Board Contracted 2013/14R167,44MR145,28MR133,26M 2012/13R115,15MR108,18M R77,20M % Movement 45.41%34.29%72.62% Allocation of Discretionary Reserves
Cash Flow Statement –Summary March Cash Flow Statement2013/14 R’ /13 R’000 Net Cash Outflow from operating Activities 40,848(2,063) % Cash Outflow from Investing Activities (312)(169)(84.62%) Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents 40,410(2,301)(1856,19%) Opening Cash Balance173,437175,738(0.13%) Total213,847173, %
Conclusion 13 Questions?
Conclusion Thank You 14