J. Cappello, PED3106 University of Ottawa, Faculty of Education
Overview Pathways: K to 12 vs. K to Success Foundations to Success vs. Early School Leavers OSSD Requirements Student Success Opportunities *Promo. videos to provide context
K-12 Vs. K-Success…
Ontario Student Success Initiatives: 1.SHSM Specialist High Skills Major/ Co- operative Education 2.Dual Credits 3.Transitions: Link Crew 4.Speak Up Grants (Student Projects)
What are they? Specialist High Skills Majors let students focus on a career path that matches their skills and interests while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students receive the SHSM's seal on their diploma when they complete a specific bundle of 8-10 courses in the student's selected field earn valuable industry certifications including first aid and CPR qualifications gain important skills on the job with employers. PDSB Promotional Video for SHSM Programs: atch?v=sipmg11YVTU atch?v=sipmg11YVTU (6min)
Link Crew Program is a high school transition program that welcomes and supports grade 9 students Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, LINK Crew coordinators (teachers) train selected grade 11 / 12 students to be LINK Leaders. Positive role models, LINK Leaders are motivators, mentors and facilitators who guide the incoming grade 9 students to discover what it takes to be successful during their transition into high school. Orientation Day and the grade 9 transition program continues, providing a variety of both academic and social follow-up activities Parent Outreach SCDSB vid (1min)
Video: Student Voice in Ontario Schools Video: Student Voice in Ontario Schools (approx. 6min) SpeakUp Projects SpeakUp projects are helping students engage both academically and socially by leading projects that they design and implement with the support of their learning community. To date, thousands of students in grades 7-12 have actively led or participated in over 6,000 projects in hundreds of schools.
Dual Credits The Dual Credit Programs with participating Colleges are intended to assist secondary students in the completion of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and successful transition to college and apprenticeship programs. . Students can count a maximum of four college-delivered dual credits as optional credits towards the OSSD. . Dual credits cannot be used as substitutions for compulsory credit requirements. PDSB (5min)