B arriers are any types of hurdles, bottlenecks in the way of communication such as:- Language Barriers OR Sematic Barriers Physical Barriers Organizational Barriers Status Lack Of Attention Premature Evaluation Poor Retention Distrust Wrong Choice Of Medium Others Barriers
Language Barriers/ Semantic Barriers These barriers are due to meaning of words, language, symbol, etc. The same word or symbol has different meaning, receiver may interpret it differently due to his own assumptions and there may be a case of faulty translation.
Physical Barriers These are due to distance between the sender and receiver. For instance a faulty telephone line may create noise in the communication process.
Organizational Barriers Communication is hampered, if the policy of an organization does not support the free flow of communication. When there are several managerial levels, communication gets delayed and distorted.
Status A status of a conscious manager may not allow his subordinates to express their feelings freely. Subordinates at lower levels may hesitate to speak freely to high level managers.
Lack Of Attention When the receiver’s mind is preoccupied, he fails to listen to what is being said. For example, a worker explains some problems to his supervisor. The supervisor is preoccupied with telephone call and does not grasp the message.
Premature Evaluation Communication is likely to fail if the receiver evaluates the meaning of message before the sender completes the message. Such premature evaluation may occur due to pre-conceived notions or prejudice against the communicator.
Poor Retention The receiver, who cannot retain the information for a long time may fail to understand it. Poor retention may be due to lack of interest.
Distrust When the sender and the receiver do not believe each other, the message may not be understood in its original sense.
Wrong Choice Of Medium When a suitable medium is not used for communication, it may not be effective.
Other Barriers Other reasons like distance, shortage of time, fear to challenge the superiors, lack of confidence in subordinates, etc may disrupt communication.