Regions May be defined by cultural and physical features
Physical Regions of the US There are seven major physical regions plus Hawaii. They differ in landforms.
Pacific Coast Mountains - Cascades and Sierra Nevada Dense forests - add beauty Fertile mountain valleys make farming profitable.
Intermountain Region Isolated ridges High plateaus Deserts Deep canyons (Grand Canyon) Limited population
Rocky Mountains Go from Alaska to New Mexico Thinly populated Tourist attractions
Interior Plains East of Rockies West of Appalachians Great Plains - western part Central Plains - eastern part - wetter more industrialized Farming – important economic activity
Canadian Shield Most of it is in Canada Extends into Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan Rich in minerals Heavily forested No major cities
Appalachian Mountains Stretch from Canada to Alabama Separate Central Plains from Coastal Plains Rivers have cut very deep valleys or gaps through the mountains
Coastal Plains Touch Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Divided in two: Atlantic Plains – in North have Boston/NYC Gulf Plains – in South have Houston and New Orleans rich in oil
Cultural Regions These are areas that are defined by human aspects not landforms. Examples: religion language traditions food interests dress