Subject Outline Grade 12 Computer Studies HG
Final Mark 4 Components External Theory (140 marks 3hrs) External Practical (100 marks 3hrs) Project (60 marks) Continuous Assessment (100 marks) Total : 400 marks
External Theory All work covered in Grade 11 and 12 Data Communication and Networks Computer Architecture The Internet Program Development and Testing File Management Data Structures Social Implications and Applications Multiple Choice Questions
External Practical Databases – MS Access (30 marks) Create a new database from scratch (15) Use existing database. Queries (15) Java Programming (70 marks) Correct Compilation Errors (10) Full Program (60) Total : 100
Project – 1 August 2004!!!!! A full working Java program (70 marks) Some form of database application with a GUI (graphical user interface) or A suitably complex game Documentation (30 marks) User documentation (15 marks) Technical documentation (15 marks) More info to follow Total : 100 marks converted to mark out of 60
Continuous Assessment One Theory Test One Practical Test One Excel Test Internal Theory Exams (June and Mock) Internal Prac Exams (June and Mock) Operating Systems and Utility Tests Research Essay
Theory Test Mini Exam Wednesday 10 th March marks Operating Systems and System Software (25) Data Structures (30) Java Theory (15) Classes and Objects Arrays String Functions There will be one or two other theory test during the course of the year that will count towards your final CASS mark
Practical Test Java Test – Classes and Objects Wednesday 17 th March Marks Create a class (25) Use a class (15)
Excel Test Lesson on Excel followed by test Wednesday 21 st April marks Various excel tasks based on preceeding lesson
June and Mock Exams Theory 140 marks each All theory covered at time of exam No Java Theory Practical 100 marks each Access All Java covered at time of exam Java Theory?
OS and Utility Tests Operating Systems and Utility Tests Wednesday 25 th February marks 20 marks on Windows marks on various utility packages Write your name down for a time slot
Operating Systems Copying files and folders Moving files and folders Deleting files and folders Renaming files and folders Hiding/unhiding files and folders Creating folders Find files Changing date-time format of the clock Changing views in explorer Changing file extension associations Checking the size of files and folders Formatting a diskette
Utility Packages Zipping/Unzipping files and folders Using a web-browser Includes checking and clearing internet history Searching, browsing, etc. Sending with attachments Viewing and basic editing of images with Microsoft Photo Editor
Research Essay Due Date : Wednesday 24 th June 2004 Any research topic relating to computers Format Title Page Table of contents Bibliography Page numbering Spell Checked Font – 12 Point Times New Roman (or equivalent formal font) Structured into clear pages with headings Introduction – half to one page Content – not more than 10 pages excluding pictures Conclusion – half to one page
Project Intro Tuesday 3 rd February : :00 How to setup a GUI VERY NB for people wanting to do a database project! Bring disks to take files and material home with you!