3CBG 4/5/2005 Banner tips and tricks Brian Nolan
Viewing the Entire Field
Control-E will display full title
To enable extract, set to “Data Block Only” on GUAOBJS Data Extract to Excel
Under “Help” select “Extract Data No Key”
Excel Download If you are using INB: –Download will produce spreadsheet which you can open in a new browser window and save where you want If you are using client server: –Download will save to a folder specified on GUAUPRF
Excel Download Quick format: –Control-A to select entire spreadsheet –Format Column –Auto-fit Selection
Excel Download Save as.xls format to save formatting Open in MS Excel Open in MS Access
Expert Query
Enter a colon : in a field
To sort a column order by : To sort in descending order order by : desc
Query is now sorted by name in ascending order
Now let’s select a date range
Colon is in the cashier date field
Only transactions between May 12 and 17 are displayed
... a little fancier...
Now it is sorted by date
A little fancier: query on two columns
Tips on entering dates Banner assumes current year and current month: = 09-NOV = 09-NOV = 09-APR-2005 Any letter in any date field means current date: X = 05-APR-2005
Tips on editing Journal Vouchers Changing the header date will re-edit all the transactions -can be time consuming, but beats doing it manually! -Querying on status indicator “E” will find records set to error status -Sometimes status is set to null. Use expert query to find : is null -$0.00 amount. If this errors out, use [Record Remove].
This form displays all (fully approved) documents currently awaiting posting.
Tips on Year End
Before June 30th -Review FTMCOAS and FTMFTYP set-up -Run FPPPOBC (Purchase order batch close) -Clean up suspended documents -Be sure that funds terminating June 30th or earlier are “zeroed out”
Before June 30th -Run FGRGLRL in audit mode and check for the following key words: –“No Fund” –“Fund Balance Indicator” –“General Ledger” –“Do Not Balance” –“Accumulated Balance”
After close of day June 30th -Run TSRDETL (Student AR detail) -Back up and save AR tables before start-of- business in the new year -Detail AP reconciliation -Scheme for identifying old-year invoices entered in the new year?
July/August timing -Run FGRGLRL -Date? I’d suggest around July Concurrent year processing and FOMPROF -When does period 14 (“Accrual Period”) start? -Run FGRENRL -Probably immediately after FGRGLRL -Encumbrances can be rolled manually using an E090 rule code
July/August timing -Run FGRBDRL -Wait as long as possible! -Grant implications -Don’t run FGRCLOP -ever! -Any other suggestions or “lessons learned”?
Any other: clever ideas? shortcuts? pearls of wisdom? Questions?