19/11/2015 Business In School Appearance of the knowledge used in the training of business processes in the curriculum of the other subjects
19/11/2015 Department of Science Department of Economic s Department of Arts Department of Information Technology
19/11/2015 Grade of 9 (37 week) Subjects Lessons per week Lessons per year Economic materials Lessons of economic materials Method Geography 274 Population, Urbanization 4 Separate work, using sources, repetition, presentation Maths 3111 Statistics, functions, percentage calculatings 30 Separate work, homework
19/11/2015 Grade Lessons per week Lessons per year Economic materials Lessons of economic materials Method 10. (37 week) 3111 Arithmetic and geometric mean, Maximalization problems 10 Separate work, homework, repetition 11. (37 week) 3111 Exponential and logarithm practices 3 Separate work, homework, reputition 12. (32 week) 396 Probability, Arithmetic and geometric sequence, Compound interest, Annuity (high level) 22 Separate work, homework, repetition …and Economics
19/11/2015 Grade Lessons per week Lessons per year Economic materials Lessons of economic materials Method 9. (37 week) 274 Prehistory (agriculture), Handicraft, Metal-working technology, Economy of Egypt, Persia, Phoenicia (trading culture), Hellenistic Civilization, Economy of Pannonia, Early Middle Ages 18 Group work, homework, repetition, using sources 10. (37 week) 274 Economic feautures of Middle Ages; Árpád-dynasty – economic arrangements, Early Modern Period, Political Economy 20 Group work, homework, reputition
19/11/2015 Grade Lessons per week Lessons per year Economic materials Lessons of economic materials Method 11. (37 week) 3111 Napoleonic Wars (depreciation), Hungary and the Habsburg Monarchy, The period of Reforms (economic reforms) 4040 Group work, homework, repetition, sources 12. (32 week) 396 The world economic crisis, Economic effects of the two World Wars, Post-War Communist Period, EU 48 Group work, homework, reputition, sources, news …and Economics
19/11/2015 Grade Lessons per week Lessons per year Economic materials Lessons of economic materials Method 9. (37 week) 137 Information (Internet, client), Web browser, Text editing, Webpage making, Presentation 22 Separate and group work, repetiton 10. (37 week) 137 Spreadsheet, Database management 23 Separate and group work, repetition
19/11/2015 Grade Lessons per week Lessons per year Economic materials Lessons of economic materials Method 11. (37 week) 274 , MS-Excel, using diagram 35 Separate work, repetition 12. (32 week) 264 Information society, Intellektual property, (software), Human capital 10 Separate work, repetition …and Economics
19/11/2015 Thank you for your attention!