Sources of Capital Equity Versus Debt Capital
Source of Equity Capital Personal Savings Friends and Relatives Angels Corporations Venture Capitalists (VCs) Going Public (IPOs)
Family & Friends Financing Consider the impact of the Investment Keep it strictly business Settle the details up front Create a written contract Treat the money as “bridge financing” Develop a payment schedule
Angels Individuals who wish to assist others in their business venture Usually found through networks Reasonable expectations on equity position and ROI Often passive, but realistic perspective about business venture Exit strategy is important
Venture Capitalists (VCs) Funds are more specialized versus homogeneous Feeder funds are emerging Small start-up investments are drying up High expectations of equity position and ROI New legal environment
Legal Environment: Investment Agreement Choice of Securities Control Issues Evaluation Issues & Financial Covenants Remedies for Breach of Contract Business Model
Sources of Debt Capital Commercial Banks Trade Credit Equipment Suppliers Savings & Loans Insurance Companies Credit Unions Private Placements
Five Cs of Credit Character Capacity (Cash Flow) Capital Conditions Collateral
Character Individual Attributes Passion Integrity Experience Staying Power
Capacity Can the business survive? Will someone actually purchase the product or service? Can the business produce the product or service economically? Can the business make money?
Capital What level of paid in capital are the primary founders contributing? What percent of the total capital funding needed is being requested? How is the capital being used in the business? Is the capital requested reasonable?
Conditions Potential growth in the market? Competition Location Form of Ownership Loan Purpose Payoff
Conditions: Banker’s Perspective Economy Industry Interest Rates Business Experience Individual(s) Experience Inflation Rate Demand for Money Risk