Lesson 4 Physical Security - Motion Sensor - Passive Ultrasonic Sensor - Photoelectric System - Ultrasonic - Ultrasonic Motion Sensor - Vibration Sensor
Purposes of intrusion detection alarm system are: - To economize - To substitute in place of other security measures. - To supplement by providing additional controls.
Basic principles of operation of intrusion detection system are: - Breaking an electrical circuit. - Interrupting a light beam. - Detecting sound. - Detecting vibration. - Detecting a change in capacitance due to penetration of an electrostatic field.
Types of alarm systems: - Metallic foil or wire - Photoelectric or electric eye - Audio detection devices - Vibration detection devices - Microwave motion detection device - Ultrasonic motion detection devices - Capacitance of electrostatic detection device
Other Sensors - Penetration sensors - Used on windows, doors, ceilings, walls and other entry areas. - Duress sensor - It is used to call for assistance of other personnel.
Types of alarm detection systems are: - Local alarm system - Auxiliary system - Central station system - Proprietary system
Three basic parts of an alarm system: Three basic parts of an alarm system: - Sensor triggering device. - Circuit which carries message to the signalling apparatus. - A signalling system or device, sometimes called “Annunciator”.
Function of an alarm system could be one or more of the ff: - Detection of fire. - Detection of intrusion. - Emergency notification. - Monitoring of equipment or facility conditions. 90%-98% of all alarms are false.
Most common causes of false alarms are: - User negligence. - Poor installation or servicing. - Faulty equipment.
Monitoring systems. Closed circuit television (CCTV) system consists of the ff: - Television camera - A monitor - Connecting circuits - Power source
Western Burglar And Fire alarm Association - Self system right. - Don’t used space protection indiscriminately - Instruct subscriber on proper use of alarm - Reinstruct subscriber at frequent intervals - Train & retrain alarm company employees on procedures - Maintain system in proper working condition.
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