Purpose Effects of Cobalt and Vitamin B12 fertilization on the growth of Pisum sativum L.
Hypothesis Alternate Hypothesis-H(a)- Both Cobalt and the Vitamin B12 fertilization have significant effects on the growth of the pea plants with the presence of Rhizobium Leguminosarum, and supports the work of Gad and Kandil Null Hypothesis-H(o)- Neither the cobalt or the Vitamin B12 have an effect on the growth of the peas with or without the presence of Rhizobium Leguminosarum
Methodology Pisum sativum L days Rhizobium Inoculant Fertilizer Variables –Cobalt (8mg/L) –Vitamin B12 (8mg/L)
Pea Plants without Rhizobia N=30 Pea Plants soaked in Rhizobia Innoculum N=30 8Mg/L Vitamin B12 Fertilizer N=10 Plant Height Stem Diameter Number of Pea Pods Statistical Analysis by One Way ANOVA (P<.05) with Scheffe Post-Hoc Test to support or refute the hypotheses Pisum sativum L-Pea Plants in one pint of soil N=60 No Additional Fertilizer N=10 8Mg/L Cobalt Sulfate Fertilizer N=10 8Mg/L Vitamin B12 Fertilizer N=10 No Additional Fertilizer N=10 8Mg/L Cobalt Sulfate Fertilizer N=10