Unit 1 Women of achievement 高一必修 4 Using language
Reading Why not carry on the good work?
Skimming: 1.What made Lin Qiaozhi famous? 2. Why do you think the writer choose to study at medical college? 3.What do you think are the important qualities a good doctor should have? 4. How many words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi?
1.What made Lin Qiaozhi famous? It was not her success at university that had made her famous. It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients that made her famous. 2. Why do you think the writer chose to study at medical college? Before learning LinQiaozhi, the writer didn’t know which major she should to study in an university. After reading Lin Qiaozhi she was moved by what she did. So she decided to study medicine.
3.What do you think are the important qualities a good doctor should have? I think the important qualities a good doctor should have are kindness and consideration should have are kindness and consideration. 4. How many words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi? There are many words such as busy, hard work determination, good nature, kindness and consideration.
Careful-reading: Write down three of Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements after reading the passage. 1.She got a medical training for her career.. 2.She became a specialist in women diseases. 3. She had made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.
Retell the story according to the questions. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for ________ in the ___________who were ____ _____ ____ get to a hospital easily. It was to help them to ______ _____ their babies properly. mothers countryside not lookafter able to
Qiaozhi lived in the early _________ _________. It was not________ for women to get __________ _________ at that time. Education was for men ________ and women ________. She chose to study at medical college because she wanted ____ ______other women. I think Lin Qiaozhi is a good doctor and _____ _____ _______. twentieth easy medical education first second to help a great woman century
How to write a good outline before writing a good article? Step 1 Organize ideas Step 2 Making an outline Step 3 Writing a rough draft Step 4 Revising a rough draft Step 5 Editing your paragraph Writing
This outline will help you: Topic sentence Supporting 1 For example, Supporting sentence 2 For instance, Supporting sentence 3 For example, Concluding sentence
Now write a description of a woman’s characters. You can use the information you collected in Speaking to help you. Homework