U C L A Polymer Solar Cells A cost effective renewable energy solution for future – Earth abundant, non-toxic & manufacturing friendly – Light weight power for portable electronics – Solution process for roll-to-roll manufacture – Tunable transparency & Color & Flexibility – Versatile applications Research Focus – New materials design & Synthesis – Morphology manipulation & Mechanism understanding – Interface & transparent electrode – Novel device architecture – New applications
U C L A Controlling of Active Layer Growth Rate (4.4%) Accurate Measurement and Characterization Transition Metal Oxide as Buffer Layer Inverted Structure Anisotropy in Single-Crystal Photovoltaic Highly Efficient Tandem Cells Transparent OPV Advanced Functional Materials, 16, 2016 (2006) Applied Physics Letters (2006) Nature Materials, 4, 864 (2005) 2008 Low Bandgap Polymers J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, (2009) World Records: 6.8 7.6 8.13 8.62 10.6% 11.6% Nature Photonics, 3, 649 (2009) Advanced Materials, 21, 4238 (2009) Advanced Materials, 21, 1 (2009) 2-Terminal 3-Terminal Applied Physics Letters (2006) Solvent Annealing Effect Advanced Functional Materials (2007) Advanced Materials, 20, 435 (2008) Semi-transparent Solar Cell Advanced Materials, 20, 415 (2008) Solvent Mixture Effect Advanced Materials, 18, 1783 (2008) Vertical Phase Separation Advanced Functional Materials (2009) 2003 (<1%) 2012 Nature Photonics, 6, 180(2012) 2013 Nature Photonics, 6, 180(2012) Nat. Communications, 4, 1446 (2013) ACS Nano, 2012 Achievements
U C L A Glass ITO Cs 2 CO 3 Polymer blend TMOs TCO Glass/ITO ZnO WBG Polymer ICL LBG Polymer Cathode Material Mechanism Architecture Application Research Focus Areas