Strand One: Toffler’s Three Waves Technological Breakthroughs Joe Dupree
Technology Progresses Through a Change in Time First Wave- Agricultural- 8000BC Second Wave- Industrial Third Wave- Informational Fourth Wave- Nano/Biotechnology ???
First Wave: Agricultural-8000BC Characteristics Communication—Mostly oral Family Structure- All members of family live together Economy—Hunting and fishing necessary for survival Production- Solar energy, natural resources vital Education—Home schooling, few resources
First Wave continued Politics—People separated by classes
Second Wave- Industry Family Structure- 2 parent families very common Education- Rote and repetition learning style Economy—Trade with different countries Production-Assembly lines and factories Communication—telephones, newspapers Politics- wars and crisis events, strike and political movements
Third Wave—Informational— Economy—Global industries, mass oil and gas Family—2 working parents, growing trend of single-parent homes and grandparents raising grandchildren Education-Colleges and universities offer distance and online courses, Internet Politics- Different forms of government to include democracies, socialism
Third wave Continued Communication—Webcams, texting, computers and laptops, twittering Production—Space exploration, New science breakthroughs in medicines and cars take on new features to include hybrid
Fourth Wave—2005--??? There will be a fourth wave as Dr. Thornburg and Dr. Dede have predicted. This next wave will be very creative and will include biotechnology. Most materials will be built better and will last longer during the next wave.
Resources Dede, C. (Speaker). (2008). The Next Wave, Part 2. Laureate Education, Inc. Thornburg, D. (Speaker). (2008). The Next Wave Part 1. Laureate Eduaction, Inc. Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave:New York: Batam Books cambridge University Press.
Strand 2 Key Technological Advances and Innovations For each Decade
Decade 1: