By: Mr. Kenkelen
Located: In North Africa South of the Mediterranean Sea Nile River: Longest river in the world flows through Provided fertile soil due to annual floods Desert surrounded the land of Egypt
Based on trade with other countries Social Class system Barter system- trading goods for good Traded surplus of food Surplus of food allowed specialized jobs: Metal worker, Scientists, Scribes, Artisans
Polytheistic- belief in many gods Preserved the dead by mummification Believed in a happy after life Buried dead in a sarcophagus Buried dead with valuables for the afterlife Chariots, Gold, Spices, Hieroglyphic Scenes
Divided into Upper and Lower Egypt Two crowns to symbolize power Empire was ruled by dynasties of Pharaohs Some famous Pharaohs were: Tutankhamen- the boy king Hatshepsut – first female ruler Akenaton- Tutankhamen’s Father