Immigration. Immigration Review Spots on a MapDefinitionsEllis IslandLinking to Literature 10 20 30 40.


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Presentation transcript:


Immigration Review Spots on a MapDefinitionsEllis IslandLinking to Literature

Where is the Statue of Liberty located? A. New York B. Florida C. California

What ocean did most immigrants cross to get to the United States of America? A. Pacific Ocean B. Indian Ocean C. Atlantic Ocean

When many immigrants came to America they had to wait in long lines and be checked by doctors and inspectors on what island? A. Ellis Island B. Old Elvis Island C. Elitches Island

Daily Double!! Name some countries that people immigrated from.

What is an immigrant? A. a person who lives in his own country B. a person who wants to move to a new country C. a person who leaves his own country to move to a new country

What is a famine? A. a long journey B. a severe food shortage causing hunger and starvation. C. the right to worship as you believe.

What is a Citizen? A. a member of a country who can vote and enjoy privileges there. B. A large room at Ellis Island where immigrants were asked questions and given Medical Exams. C. One group who came to America looking for Religious freedom.

Name three people from your A-Z vocabulary. Daily Double!!

During which years was Ellis Island the main immigration station? A) 1954-Present B) C) 1892-Present

Why were people turned away from receiving citizenship at Ellis Island? A. Too much luggage B. Illness C. No one was turned away

What is the most common form of transportation that immigrants used to come to Ellis Island? A. Plane B. Boat C. Train

What were the four main reasons that people immigrated to the United States? Daily Double!! A. War, Poverty, Better jobs, and Religious Freedom B. Religious Freedom, Government rules, To live with family, and War C. War, Government rules, Better Jobs, and Wanted change

What is the title of the poem written on the Statue of Liberty’s base? A. “The Old Liberty” B. “The New Colossus” C. “Our Gift To You”

Who Wrote “The New Colossus”? A. Emma Lazarus B. Emily Bronte C. Emma Watson

What is the motto of the United States of America? A. Easy Places United B. E Pluribus Unum C. Esto Pluto Uno

Name a book that you have read that you feel is linked to the topic of Immigration. Daily Double!!