n 1.Theory driven n 2.Discovery of knowledge BASIC RESEARCH
APPLIED RESEARCH n 1. IMMEDIATE practical problem n 2. ACTUAL problems in field n 3. LIMITED GENERALIZABILITY
Which is which? n Comparison of the attitudes of different student ethnic groups toward General Education requirements at VSU to determine why more African-Americans than Caucasians are dropping out of college before taking courses in their majors. n APPLIED
Which is which? n Persons are interested in whether counselors who are “recovering alcoholics” are more effective than counselors who are not “recovering alcoholics.” n BASIC
Which is which? n What is the relationship between self-esteem and body size? n BASIC n Are differences present between boys and girls in their psychological perspectives of self? n BASIC
Which is which? n What is the effectiveness of using manipulatives in instructional practices? n BASIC n What is the effect of student-teacher progression on students’ achievement at Lowndes County High School? n APPLIED
EXPERIMENTAL n Independent Variable (IV) manipulated by researcher n Dependent Variable (DV) measured n CONTROLled setting n Simple and powerful n Cause and effect relationships
CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE n Ex Post Facto research n IV cannot be manipulated ethically n Changes in IV have already occurred n Groups may be different before IV n Produces cause-effect relationship
DESCRIPTIVE n Tells what is; describes present state of affairs n NO manipulation of variables n Subcategories –surveys –developmental studies –follow-up studies –trend studies
CASE STUDY n Detailed study of person/group n Person or group -- atypical n Entire range behaviors--relationships to person’s history and environment n Reactions-naturally occurring events
CONTENT ANALYSIS n Analysis of documents –textbooksnewspapers –journalsspeeches n Unobtrusive, easy to replicate n Search for themes n Widely used
Which are which? n Effect of divorce on student achievement n CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE n Comparison of 5 school districts regarding their discipline policies n CONTENT ANALYSIS
Which are which? n What is the effect of cooperative learning on student achievement in 7th grade science? n EXPERIMENTAL n Investigation of computer versus traditional instruction when students can be assigned randomly to classes. n EXPERIMENTAL
Which are which? n Evaluation of Ted Bundy. n CASE STUDY n A survey of graduate students’ attitudes toward the increase in tuition. n DESCRIPTIVE
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