Submesoscale variability of the Peruvian upwelling system as observed from glider data Alice PIETRI Pierre Testor, Vincent Echevin, Laurent Mortier, Gerd Krahmann, Johannes Karstensen Trieste, Italy, June 4 th 2013
PCC PCUC (Penven et al., 2005) The Peruvian upwelling system Section of alongshore velocity at 15°S mars-mai 1977 (Brink et al., 1980) Peru Coastal Current (PCC) Peru-Chile Under Current (PCUC) Coastal upwelling: Offshore Ekman transport Ekman pumping Upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water along the coast Pisco (14°S, Peru) : Year long Equatorward coastal winds (Trade winds) Strong upwelling cell
October-November 2008 (VOCALS Rex): R/V Olaya (119 profiles, ~30 km horizontal res., 3D sampling) Glider Pytheas (1400 profiles, ~800 m horizontal res, 2D sampling) The Peruvian upwelling system
9 sections ~1400 profils 200m DENSITY SALINIT Y OXYGEN TURBIDITY FLUO: ChlA TEMPERATURE 100km ~ 5 days Depth averaged velocities measured by the glider Gliders: Pytheas, Oct-Nov 2008 (Austral Spring) horizontal resolution: ~ 800m
Profondeur (m) CCW : Cold Coastal Water STSW : SubTropical Surface Water ESPIW : Eastern South Pacific Intermediate Water 01 novembre 2008 Water masses and alongshore circulation Peru-Chile Current (PCC): Equatorward Maximum speed: 30 cm/s Peru Chile Undercurrent: Situated above the continental slope Poleward Maximum speed on the section: 15 cm/s Distance (km) Depth (m)
Salinity : - ESPIW below the thermocline - Layering on every sections Fluorescence : - High concentration in the surface layer - Subsurface patches Temperature : - Warming of the surface - upwelling 3 regions: 1) Upwelling 2) Transition zone 3) Offshore Submesoscale structures
Salinity : - ESPIW below the thermocline - Layering on every sections Fluorescence : - High concentration in the surface layer - Subsurface patches Temperature : - Warming of the surface - upwelling 3 regions: 1) Upwelling 2) Transition zone 3) Offshore Submesoscale structures
Section 5 3 – 5 salinity intrusions observed on every section: km width m depth Distance (km) isopycnal Submesoscale structures
Section 5 dz dx 3 – 5 salinity intrusions observed on every section: km width m depth Cross-isopycnal structures: slopes = 0,2 - 1,5 % Distance (km) Submesoscale structures
Section 5 Which dynamical processes could be responsible of this cross-isopycnal signal? Submesoscale structures
Divergence of Q-vector: Estimates of w through the Omega equation: Vertical velocities driven by frontogenesis ☒ Horizontal scale >> layering observed by the glider ☒ Relatively weak vertical velocities W at 100 m estimated from the Ω-equation Frontogenesis 3D process driven by the meandering of the front Cruise with R/V Olvaya (IMARPE) Mesoscale survey
Double diffusion: ☒ No « staircases » on salinity/temp Turner angle: → flow susceptible to salt fingering ☒ Baroclinicity of the flow → Maximum slope of the interleaving (May and Kelley, 1997): Much smaller than the observed slopes (~ ) Kelvin Helmholtz / Double diffusion Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: ☒ Richardson number: > ¼ (except at the very surface and using geostrophic velocities) ☒ Scale of the layering: O(10 m)
Smith and Ferrari (2009) Process potentially able to generate the observed layering Submesoscale structures: Mesoscale Stirring s ~ 0.2% to 1.5% f /N ~0.3% to 1.2% Large scale gradients and isohalines inclined to isopycnals Mesoscale activity Generation of intrusions with a slope close to the value of f/N (Smith and Ferrari, 2009)
C A F Presence of 2 eddies (A et C) ~ 50 km diameter Filament (F) ~ 150 km long Glider section from November 14 th to 18 th chlorophylle composite Nov 2008 Submesoscale structures: Horizontal extension
Negative PV located below the surface density fronts: Strong vertical shear Horizontal density gradient qg=qg= 2D potential vorticity: ~ S -4 Submesoscale structures: Wind forced symmetric instability Down-front winds (wind blowing along a frontal jet) drive: strengthening of the density contrast across the front symmetric instability (negative PV) ageostrophic secondary circulations (Thomas and Lee, 2005)
30 km Coherence between the theoretical and the observed scale Process potentially able to generate the observed layering ☒ Can cells reach depths below the mixed layer? L 0 ~ [ 20 – 40 ] km w Enl ~ 85 m/j 30 km Submesoscale structures: Wind forced symmetric instability
Conclusions and prospects First measurements at such a fin scale in that area: a single glider repeat- section (1.5 months) physical and biogeochemical observations, estimates of the alongshore velocity. Evidence of subsurface submesoscale structures in salinity and fluorescence in the transition zone of the upwelling. The observed submesoscale features (key to explain the biological activity) are likely a combination of 1) frontogenesis, 2) stirring by mesoscale turbulence, 3) symmetric instability forced by the wind Pietri et al., 2013: Finescale Vertical Structure of the Upwelling System off Southern Peru as Observed from Glider Data. J. Phy Oceanogr., 43, Are the submesoscale features a persistent phenomena? Longer deployments, rotations of gliders. Ex: CalCOFI survey line off California What is the relative contribution of each processes? A fleet of gliders would be required (3D view). Ex: deployment of 7 gliders along parallel cross-shore tracks off Peru carried out in January 2013 by GEOMAR scientists. Questions remaining:
January-February 2013: shelf exchange processes in the OMZ (GEOMAR) 7 shallow and deep Slocum gliders deployed in parallel 3D survey of the coastal area pattern optimized for observation of submeso to meso spatial scales Conclusions and prospects
Large scale temperature and salinity gradients Turbulent mesoscale flow Stirring of properties whose isolines are inclined to isopycnals Generation of intrusions with a slope close to the value of f/N (Smith and Ferrari, 2009) → Region rich with mesoscale processes → Isolines of salinity cross- isopycnals Klein et al. (1998) Submesoscale structures: Mesoscale Stirring
Down-front winds (wind blowing along a frontal jet) drives: vertical mixing reduction of the stratification strengthening of the density contrast across the front Lee et al. (2006) Thomas and Lee (2005) Apparition of an ageostrophique secondary circulation: → Downwelling on the dense side of the front → Upwelling on the frontal interface A geostrophic flow is symmetrically unstable when its potential vorticity is negative Vertical circulation warm cold Submesoscale structures: Wind forced symmetric instability