East Midlands Strategic Health Authorities Modernising Scientific Careers Early Adopter Project.


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Presentation transcript:

East Midlands Strategic Health Authorities Modernising Scientific Careers Early Adopter Project

Why early adopter? Exciting project Good opportunity to shape implementation Work with other early adopters and share good practice I like a challenge

Work so far ESR data cleanse Accuracy of the scientific coding data is variable. Managers quite often did not enter the code when recruiting to new jobs. Sent out to each area asking to confirm job titles. Strategic Health Authorities

ESR Data Cleanse Need a clear idea of the scientific workforce In the future we will need to assimilate the workforce onto the new structure New coding being developed to represent the new workforce

Work so far Workforce Planning Changes in the training structure and the future changes in skill mix will require good workforce planning Associate practitioner posts and practitioner placements and adequate scientist training posts

Work so far Workforce Planning Tools are being developed for the different workforce streams Pathology workforce tool has already been developed and we have been populating it with our existing workforce, tasks that are performed and by whom and at what costs

Workforce planning Local workshop to look at using occupational standards to identify new role development or to identify tasks involved in a process This can identify the knowledge and skills required to perform a role or task and allows transferability I have found it useful in developing manual for the associate practitioners who have different roles

Apprenticeships Have employed apprentices for last 6 months worked quite well They are so did require different support mechanism NVQ 3 in Health with Pathology support and technical certificate Next apprentices will be doing the new QCF Diploma in pathology support Future focus of funding will be apprenticeships although some frameworks not yet developed

Foundation Degree in Healthcare Science Some generic modules across all the BSc streams. Foundation degree could cover all streams Also in most cases it is impractical for support staff to move on to practitioner training Mapping the first two years to the FD would allow the development of the band 4 role and part time route for the 3 rd year would make career progression practical

Future Develop partnerships with HEI’s to deliver the PTP. Existing consortia help with the STP placements ?? Placements- for both STP and PTP different than before Establish work base training- innovative delivery ?

Future Assimilation of staff onto the new framework May need to develop JD’s KSF profiles for new Roles- link to QUIPP agenda How to ensure that there is no detriment to current staff and their career pathways are clear

Workshop Education framework- Identify challenges with successful implementation. Work through some solutions to these challenges. Placements -How to manage placements and be beneficial to the department ensuring a good learning experience for the student. Delivering learning outcomes- 10 week placement for PTP.