Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Abnormal Psychology Fifth Edition Nevid, Rathus and Greene
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 PowerPoint Presentation Prepared By Fred W. Whitford Montana State University
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Chapter 3 Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 The DSM and Models of Abnormal BehaviorThe DSM and Models of Abnormal Behavior –Features of the DSM Specific diagnostic criteria are usedSpecific diagnostic criteria are used Abnormal behavior patterns are groupedAbnormal behavior patterns are grouped* Classification of Abnormal Behavior
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 –Features of the DSM The system is multiaxialThe system is multiaxial –Axis I clinical syndromes –Axis II personality disorders –Axis III general medical conditions –Axis IV psychosocial and environmental problems –Axis V global assessment of function * Classification of Abnormal Behavior
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 –Culture-bound syndromes –Evaluating the DSM system ReliabilityReliability ValidityValidity Predictive validityPredictive validity –Advantages and disadvantages of the DSM system * Classification of Abnormal Behavior
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 ReliabilityReliability –Internal consistency –Temporal stability –Interrater reliability ValidityValidity –Content validity –Criterion validity –Construct validity * Issues of Reliability and Validity in Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Sociocultural and Ethnic Factors in the Assessment of Abnormal BehaviorSociocultural and Ethnic Factors in the Assessment of Abnormal Behavior* Issues of Reliability and Validity in Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 The Clinical InterviewThe Clinical Interview –Differences in theoretical approaches –Interview formats UnstructuredUnstructured SemistructuredSemistructured StructuredStructured* Methods of Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Psychological TestsPsychological Tests –Intelligence tests –Self-report personality tests MMPI-2MMPI-2 –Projective tests Rorschach testRorschach test TATTAT* Methods of Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002* Items Similar to the Performance Items of Wechsler Intelligence Test
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002* Normal Distribution of IQ Scores
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Neuropsychological AssessmentNeuropsychological Assessment –Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test –Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery –Luria Nebraska Test Battery * Methods of Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Behavioral AssessmentBehavioral Assessment –Psychometric approach –Self-monitoring –Analogue measures –Behavioral rating scales * Methods of Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Cognitive AssessmentCognitive Assessment –Methods of cognitive assessment Physiological MeasurementPhysiological Measurement –Galvanic skin response (GSR) –Electroencephalograph (EEG) –Electromyograph (EMG) * Methods of Assessment
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Physiological MeasurementPhysiological Measurement –Concept response systems –Brain imaging techniques Computerized tomography (CT scan)Computerized tomography (CT scan) Positron emission tomography (PET scan)Positron emission tomography (PET scan) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM)Brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM)* Methods of Assessment