Assessment/Diagnosis Individual Assessment The group leader observes each individual member and assesses his or her behavior. The group leader pays attention to body posture, nonverbal and verbal communication, content and feelings. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Group Assessment The group leader pays attention to: Group dynamics Stage of group development Group process Individuals in the group “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Self- Assessment The group leader will: Monitor his or her own thoughts and feelings regarding what is occurring within the group. Look for occurrences of transference. Look for his or her own countertransference. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Models of Assessment and Diagnosis The Medical Model Uses the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual –IV, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) The DSM-IV-TR was not intended for use in groups but it is a useful tool to help specific group members under specific circumstances. The DSM-IV-TR looks at many different levels of functioning including: personality, symptoms, behaviors, biological conditions, and coping mechanisms to name just a few. In some groups (especially in managed care) it may be necessary for the group leader to form a diagnosis for each member of the group. “ Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Leader Responsibilities In Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Groups The leader needs to: Keep precise records on each group member. If needed, formulate a diagnosis using the DSM-IV-TR. Develop an individual treatment plan that can be best carried out within the group. Keep progress notes documenting interventions and outcomes. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Developmental Assessment Pathology, disorders or problems are considered from a developmental perspective. The group leader is looking for the developmental functioning of each group member in relationship to their age, culture, gender, life situation and stated goals. The question is how can group members be helped to reach developmental goals? “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Behavioral Assessment Maladaptive behaviors are assessed. The question is which target behaviors can be changed to improve the group members functioning and adaptation? Goals are specific, concrete, obtainable and measurable. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Systemic Assessment Looks at interactive patterns between group members. Each group member’s behavior is seen as a cause and effect on other group members’ behavior. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Theoretical Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Adlerian: Looks at patterns of family dynamics and personal strengths that provide leverage for change. Narrative: Looks for themes in the individual’s narrative, externalizes the problem and finds out when the problem does not exist. Gestalt: Looks for fragmented or disowned parts of group members. Addresses what is in the here-and-now, examines unfinished business and listens for distorted language. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Theoretical Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Existential: Looks for avoidance of responsibility and looks for themes relating to meaninglessness, isolation and angst. Cognitive: Looks for irrational beliefs, exaggeration, overgeneralizations, and overpersonalization. Reality: Looks at members needs, patterns of irresponsibility, and assesses the consequences of behavior. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Theoretical Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Psychoanalytic: Looks for unconscious motives manifested in behavior, also looks for defense mechanisms, sources of past trauma being played out in the present and transference. Behavioral: Looks for specific behaviors that need to be changed, looks for skill and information deficiencies, identifies antecedents and reinforcers of behavior. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Assessment/Diagnosis Theoretical Models of Assessment and Diagnosis Person-Centered: Looks for underlying feelings, blocks to intimacy and trust, looks for incongruence and identifies areas for growth. Brief: Defines a specific problem, reframes it in a solvable way, specifies solutions tried but failed and looks for exceptions to the problem. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”