Traditional Schedule: Block Schedule: 7 periods per day 4 periods per day 55 minute periods 90 minute periods 3– 25 minute lunches 4–30 minute lunches
“A” Day: Period 1 – English Period 2 – Social Studies Period 3 – Spanish Period 4 – Art “B” Day: Period 5 – Math Period 6 – IBCA Period 7 – PE Period 8 - Science
BELL RINGS AT 7:30 AM 1 ST and 5 th BLOCK 7:35 – 9:05 2 ND and 6 th BLOCK 9:09 – 10:39 3 RD and 7 th BLOCK (LUNCH) 10:43 – 12:43 1 ST LUNCH 10:43 – 11:13 2 ND LUNCH 11:13 – 11:43 3 RD LUNCH 11:43 – 12:13 4 TH LUNCH 12:13 – 12:43 4 TH and 8 th BLOCK 12:47 – 2:17 TEACHER DISMISSAL 2:30
A DAYS – LIME CONES B DAYS – ORANGE CONES * Cones will be placed in hallways to remind students of the current day’s color.
to promote flexibility and teacher collaboration explore ways to reorganize grouping patterns to better serve needs of diverse students develop student/teacher connections that focus on reducing student stress and provide for well-being of all students Integrate technology in classes Embrace IB methodology
To explore an alternative schedule that would: enhance instructional time to increase achievement for ALL students create a less hectic day for students and therefore reduce students’ stress levels increase the opportunity for students and teachers to build better relationships
Wider variety of instructional methods Differentiated instruction to improve student learning outcomes
A/B Block Scheduling will provide more time for: teachers to give students more individual attention in class students to examines issues in greater depth students to engage in cooperative learning activities, engage in more research and inquiry activities students to explore and apply new concepts students to complete classroom work and discuss their results and findings during the same class period
improving quality of homework i.e., 3-4 subjects vs. 7-8 fewer tests, quizzes and projects due on the same day fewer transitions per day decrease in tardies overall eases transition to college for many students decrease in discipline issues in the cafeteria and during transition time
more opportunities for teacher collaboration to: examine student work improve instructional methods create innovative lessons develop authentic assessments more time for labs