Heikki Suomalainen Motto: Training can be expensive, but can you afford the ignorance?
Heikki Suomalainen Framework of action The focus of this initiative is to give impetus so that the development of competencies and the acquisition of qualifications are perceived as a shared interest by both enterprises and employees in each Member State.
Heikki Suomalainen Framework of action The social partners assert the principle of shared responsibility of players with regard to four priorities and call for the intensification of dialogue and partnership at the appropriate levels. The social partners believe that the lifelong development of competencies depends on the implementation of the following four priorities
Heikki Suomalainen Framework of action 2002 – –recognition and validation of competencies and qualifications; –information, support and guidance; –resources –identification and anticipation of competencies and qualifications needs;
Heikki Suomalainen The Supply of Labour Decreases Source: The Finnish Centre for Pensions
Heikki Suomalainen Educational level of population 2003, 20–64 -years olds Source: Statistics Finland, Educational institution statistics 2004
Heikki Suomalainen Evaluation 2006 Mobilising resources for the lifelong development of competences is a key issue in all countries, social partners discuss with public authorities on how to mobilise resources more efficiently and how to develop new and diversified sources of investment (funding, time, human resources).
Heikki Suomalainen IDENTIFY AND ANTICIPATE THE COMPETENCES AND QUALIFICATIONS NEEDED Studies/surveys on companies´needs and consultancy services to help fulfill the needs identified in companies Pilot projects to develop strategies to identify ana anticipate competence needs in companies reform of apprenticeship systems to foster competence development in real work situations at an early age and increase the employability of apprentices
Heikki Suomalainen INFORMING, SUPPORTING AND PROVIDING THE GUIDANCE awareness-raising actions on training opportunities and labour market needs to tackle skills mismatch actions to raise workers´motivation for learning; the focus being either on specific target groups, low-skilled, young and older… tailoring actions towards SMEs
Heikki Suomalainen MOBILISING RESOURCES tax incentives and deductions for companies and for individuals undergoing competence development reduce apprenticeship grant in order to increase number of apprentices in companies development of tools to ease access to learning, such as learning vouchers, learning leave, learning grants, e-learning
Heikki Suomalainen COMPANY FAZER CAFÉ business area: café - patisserie – shop – cuisine on-the-job-learning for 30 persons/year part of curriculum skills – safety at work – ability for cooperation – customer service - entrepreneurship
Heikki Suomalainen ISS PALVELUT over 7000 employees in e.g cleaning business companys contactpersons for schools and training centres company strategy: development system for the whole personnel young people not interested in the business and the shortage of skilled people