Recovery in Devon Revolution and Evolution
Devon – A bit of history… New Zealand lessons RecoveryDevon … 2003 conference with Mary Ellen Copeland / Rufus May on Recovery and Self Management ‘Bottom up approach’ to change 2006 conference with Shery Mead, Frank Bristol and David Gonzales on Peer Support Bottom up meets top down DREEM and evaluation projects Intentional Peer Support course
Snowball Effect WRAP training in all settings Community Care Trust (South Devon), MIND and Rethink have signed up COOL Recovery House Common language and purpose Sign up by Devon LIT and Devon Partnership Trust Glenn Roberts advising Royal College of Psychiatrists Chief Nursing Officer’s Report Shery Mead and Intentional Peer Support Workforce Development in Devon - qualities and competencies Contract service specifications Support Time and Recovery Workers
Example :- Community Care Trust (South Devon) Reorganised whole organisation in line with recovery More than 50 STR workers Inpatient alternative Move to individual approach away from ‘day centres’ People keep and write their own files WRAP as the core approach Community links and volunteers
An emerging association of recovery orientated approaches Social Inclusion Mindfulness Wellness Toolbox Life Skills Intentional Peer Support Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Human Givens Adapted Expert Patient Programme Individual budgets Safety Plans and Advanced Directives Solution focussed approaches Community development Service user / Survivor trainers
What is happening next? Recovery Devon Strategy Covering every part of the mental health community Covering every part of the mental health community Looking at all disciplines, services – statutory and voluntary Looking at all disciplines, services – statutory and voluntary Owned and monitored by independent group Owned and monitored by independent group Beginning with recovery awareness training for all (essential) Beginning with recovery awareness training for all (essential) Recovery in primary care Recovery in primary care Raising standards for WRAP Training the WRAP facilitators Training the WRAP facilitators WRAP and STR worker evaluation WRAP and STR worker evaluation Developing Peer Support Training Training ?Evaluation ?Evaluation
RecoveryDevon: Active ingredients Partnerships not ‘involvement’ Catalytic conferences A wide network of valued connections Culture of people working together as equals Respect for diversity of viewpoint Recovery as a philosophy not a model Non-evangelical Open handedness – generosity Shared and joint leadership It works because it works And …because …it’s a bloody good idea