Authority Control Interest Group RDA and MARC ALA Mid-Winter Denver 23 January 2009 John Espley VTLS Inc.
RDA and MARC RDA/MARC Working Group –Established March 2008 –British Library, Library and Archives Canada, and Library of Congress –“… established to collaborate on the development of proposals for changes to the MARC 21 formats to accommodate the encoding of RDA data. “
Members of the Group Everett Allgood Corine Deliot Rebecca Guenther Bill Leonard Sally McCallum Marg Stewart Martha Yee Reinhold Heuvelmann Rich Greene John Espley Kathy Glennan Rhonda Lawrence RDA and MARC
RDA/MARC WG teleconference calls once a week At ALA Annual in Anaheim –4 Proposals and 4 Discussion Papers were presented at MARBI –Only 1 Proposal (Theses and Dissertations) actually “passed” At this Mid-Winter ALA –3 Proposals and 2 Discussion Papers RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: New data elements in the MARC 21 Authority Format –Dates –Places –Address –Language –Activities –Gender –Family Information RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Dates –046 Special Coded Dates Indicators are undefined $f - Birth date $g - Death date $o - Start date $p - End period $6 - Linkage $8 - Field link and sequence number RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Places –621 Associated place Indicators are undefined $a – Place of birth $b - Place of death $c – Associated country $d – Date associated place $e – Place of residence/location of headquarters $f - Other associated place $g – Place of origin of work $2 - Source RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Address –622 Address Both indicators are undefined $a – Address $b – City $c – Intermediate jurisdiction $d – Country $e – Postal code $t – Date associated with address $z – Public note $4 – Relator code RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Associated Language –628 Associated Language First indicator is undefined Second indicator – source of code # - MARC language code 7 – Source specified in subfield 2 $a – Language code $2 – Source of code RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Activities –623 Field of Activity –624 Affiliation –625 Occupation Both indicators are undefined $a - Field of activity, Affiliation, or Occupation $d – Dates associated with … $2 – Source of term RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Gender –626 Gender Both indicators are undefined $a – Gender $d – Dates associated with gender $2 – Source of term RDA and MARC
Proposal /1: Family information –627 Family information Both indicators are undefined $a – Type of family $b – Name of prominent member $c – Hereditary title $d – Date associated with family information RDA and MARC
Proposal /2: New content designation for RDA elements –Replaces GMD (245 $h) –Content type (tag 336) Only one that is affects the Authority Format –Media type (tag 337) –Carrier type (tag 338) –Several changes to 007 Codes added, rename, definition modified RDA and MARC
Proposal /3: Identifying Work, Expression, and Manifestation records in Bibliographic and Authority Formats –883 Entity type Both indicators are undefined $a – Primary entity type term $b – Primary entity type code $n – Cataloger note $2 – Source RDA and MARC
Discussion Paper 2009-DP01/1: Encoding URIs for controlled values in MARC records –Considers using a URI in place of or in addition to the value in a number of fields –One suggestion is using a subfield 1 (one) in all applicable fields –Another suggestion is using existing subfield for the controlled value and let the URI be self- defining RDA and MARC
Discussion Paper 2009-DP01/2: Relationship designators for RDA Appendix J and K –Appendix J: relationships between works, expressions, manifestations, and items –Appendix K: relationships between persons, families, and corporate bodies Add $4 in 500, 510, and 511, and both $e and $4 in 530 in the authority format RDA and MARC
THANK YOU! Questions? RDA and MARC