8 th Graders Welcome! 1. Row Leaders: Please grab your row’s folders from the folder box. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get out your materials and prepare to write your agenda. -Thank you!
A Quick Reminder: Make sure all water breaks, bathroom breaks, pencil sharpening, backpack cleaning, etc… are done BEFORE the bell rings. Do not get out of your seat without permission. If you are eating, put it away or throw it away. Do NOT shoot trash into the trash can. Be ready to work and stay on task.
1. Write your agenda 2. Grammar Mini-Lesson (A.L. #3 bottom)* 3. Culture Share Sign-up list 4. Family recipe (A.L. #3 P1)* ◦ whip around 5. Prepare to turn in A.L. sheets #1, #2, and #3* HW: Get items for Culture Share on Monday Objective: In a paragraph, SWBAT discuss their favorite family dishes and explain why they like them and when they usually make them. A.L.: 3.) Family recipe/dish 6/17 8 th Grade Agenda Friday
Assignment Log #3 3.) Grammar Link & Culture Share EXIT Grammar mini-lesson: On the bottom portion of A.L. #3, rewrite the following sentences by creating 1 complete sent. (Use red words) You can make a subordinate clause by adding a word (and sometimes a comma) by inserting who, which, or that in place of the subject. 1. Aztec craft workers made drums and rattles. Drums and rattles were their main musical instruments. 2. Their empire was destroyed by the Spanish. The Spanish conquered it in Today, people around the world enjoy chili, chocolate, and tacos. These foods are Aztec in origin.
Assignment Log #3 3.) Grammar Link & Culture Share EXIT Grammar mini-lesson: On the bottom portion of A.L. #3, rewrite the following sentences by creating 1 complete sent. (Use red words) You can make a subordinate clause by adding a word (and sometimes a comma) by inserting who, which, or that in place of the subject. 1. Aztec craft workers made drums and rattles. Drums and rattles were their main musical instruments. 2. Their empire was destroyed by the Spanish. The Spanish conquered it in Today, people around the world enjoy chili, chocolate, and tacos. These foods are Aztec in origin. 1.Aztec craft workers made drums and rattles, Drums and rattles which were their main musical instruments. 2.Their empire was destroyed by the Spanish, The Spanish who conquered it in Today, people around the world enjoy chili, chocolate, and tacos, These foods which are Aztec in origin. KEY
Culture Share Sign-up list Sign-up for at least ONE item. If you do not think you will be able to bring something, you will be put on the Clean-up/Serving crew. If you say that you are going to bring something, BRING IT!!! Be a courteous student. You will be getting points for this. Make sure you bring enough for everyone to have a bit. -DUE MONDAY
3.) Family recipe/dish 6/17 Of the many different dishes that my family makes, my favorite is ___________. This is my favorite because ____________. One of my favorite things about this dish is that it _____________. The person/people who usually make this dish in my family is/are ________. He/she/they often make(s) this dish _ (describe when)_. It generally takes about _(describe how long)_ to cook this dish. If I could choose, we would make _(name the dish again)_ _(describe how often)_ because ______. Finally, even though I like this dish, some people may not like this dish because _______. Think-pair-share/ whip around Think-pair-share/ whip around
PUT TOGETHER A.L. #1, #2, AND #3 SHEETS Staple them together in order. Make sure that your name is written on each sheet…JUST IN CASE. DUE MONDAY.
Winding Down *Class is almost over, so it is time to: 1. Recap: Did you accomplish this objective? ◦ Objective: In a paragraph, SWBAT discuss their favorite family dishes and explain why they like them and when they usually make them. 2. Take out agenda to be checked. 3. Prepare to turn in EXIT slip before being dismissed.
Materials needed 1. Holt L&LA books 2. behavior paper 3. (7) Culture Share Sign-up Lists
State Standards 1.3Use word meanings within the appropriate context. 3.7 Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritages, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author (biographical approach).