Grants as a tool for resourcing Mission Helen Woodall Chair, Connexional Grants Committee
What is the purpose of CGC? to help resource the Methodist Church in Britain to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ To award grants from the various connexionally-held funds for mission and ministry in the UK and overseas. To monitor and evaluate projects in receipt of grants and share best practice
Ministry and Mission in Britain Sub-committee Connexional Grants Committee (CGC) Ministry and Mission in the World Church Sub-committee Nationals in Mission Appointments (NMA) Scholarship & Leadership Training (SALT) CHeritage Property Chaplaincy Mission & Ministry (General + MAPP) General Each Stream has 3-5 members + support from grants staff
The Grants Team Valerie Lovett Liz Lau Verena Thim All based at Methodist Church House
Chair of CGC: Helen Woodall Chair of Mission in Britain Sub-Committee: Bala Gnanapragasam Chair of World Church Sub-Committee: Dr Daleep Mukarji
Towards One Mission The Role of Connexional Grants Resourcing Mission Forum, April 2015 Daleep Mukarji
The Centrality of Mission in MC John Wesley lead an evangelical revival movement; the world was his parish Throughout its history the Methodist Church has had mission in its overall purpose and life GS Report 2011 spoke of the Methodist Church as a “discipleship movement shaped for mission” The CPD, recent reports etc. refer to the mission of the Church (Refer especially to Section 10 The Church in Mission, 2014 Page 663)
Our Calling (Conference 2000) The Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. The Church exists to Increase awareness of God’s presence… Be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice Make followers of Jesus Christ Help people grow & learn as Christians
Priorities of the MC (Conf 2004) The Methodist Church will give particular attention (among others) to Supporting community development and action for justice especially among the most deprived and poor in Britain and worldwide Developing confidence in evangelism Encouraging fresh ways to be Church Nurturing a culture that is people centred and flexible
General Secretary’s Report 2014 Releasing our buildings for mission; our stewardship and strategic use of resources (45) Realising the main thing; evangelism is a crucial part of God’s mission (48) Bringing One Mission concept deeper into the heart and soul of contemporary Methodism (11) Formulate a vision and strategy for future work with partner churches as part of a world Methodist family (11)
God’s Mission: One Mission Re-inspiring Methodists as a movement of people fulfilling God’s mission (1) God’s mission is one: holistic, integrated both local and global, whether evangelism, social action, community service or an advocacy role…all part of one mission (2/5) From Sept 2015 a new One Mission Forum to be established by Council comprising of a broad group of mission activity representatives (10) Full integration of One Mission in the church will require time and a changing of people’s mindsets (7) (From Conference Report 2014)
What then is Mission? MISSION: carries a holistic understanding; the proclamation and sharing of the good news of the gospel in word, deed, prayer and worship and every day witness of the Christian Life. EVANGELISM: while not excluding the different dimensions of mission, focuses on explicit and intentional voicing of the gospel, including the invitation to personal conversion to a new life in Christ and to discipleship (WCC statement Conference Report 2012)
Some Challenges to Mission How do we educate our members to understand mission and to be confident about sharing their faith and putting this faith into action How do promote mission as one; integrate the different dimensions of mission and evangelism How do we reclaim a passion and centrality for mission in the church How do we proclaim God’s love and justice to a generation living in an individualised, secularised and materialistic world
How to enable mission in the MC? Pray: we need to seek God’s guidance Act: we need to educate and support our churches and members for mission Give: encourage people to give time, talents and money for mission; get involved Empower: build confidence, share stories and experience of hope and success We are not alone. It is God’s mission and we are invited to engage with it.
What role for Connexional grants? Grants are to be used on behalf of the Church to resource and equip the Church for mission Grants to be used within the context of Our Calling, Priorities & Policies of the Church Grant making programme needs to be transparent, accountable and effective Grants are to be a means to an end….supporting the mission of the Church Grants to have a Connexional significance
Connexional Grants Today (some questions) There has been much progress since 2008 yet - Are the structures, decision making processes and systems fit for purpose? Are our procedures effective, efficient, flexible and accountable? Are the grants making a real difference? What is working well and we must keep ?
Principles for Grants Keep the procedures simple and flexible Ensure grants make a difference and contribute to the mission of the Church Do a few things well rather many badly; prioritise Avoid dependency on the grants Grants to be given in a spirit of partnership/cooperation with other activities of the Church and with churches overseas Listen to those who use the grants
Grants and the Church The Methodist Church is committed actively and intentionally to work towards a world transformed (people, structures, systems and society) by the love of God and to sharing this love of God. Mission lies at the heart, nature, identity and self understanding of the Church. Grants are one part of a process to equip and support the Church to be a movement transformed for mission.