Re-Engineering Apprenticeships The JGA Experience 1JGA non-confidential
Running Order 9.30 Welcome & Introduction Richard Goodwin 9.45 Functional Skills Diagnostic Aidan Brooks ePortfolio Lorraine Berry eLearning Trishul Gudka NCFE, IAG Jane Goodwin End 2JGA non-confidential
Agenda How it was Blended learning, using “e” How? Is it suitable for you? What is available? 3JGA non-confidential
How it Was Monthly Workshops Tutor Costs Lots of travel Only moves forward when tutor and learner meet Relating standards to lots of bits of paper Green conscience Chasing Only during working hours Reluctance to give day release Truancy Evidence storage Evidence gathering Room rental Functional Skills past papers 4JGA non-confidential
Blended learning - using “e” Now Functional skills analytics (Tribal) eLearning (JGA Moodle) ePortfolio (OneFile) MIS (Pellcomp) 24 hours Consistency Employer satisfaction - no workshops Financial savings and green conscience 6JGA non-confidential “Apprentices benefit from an excellent virtual learning environment which is well resourced with useful independent study and training materials” Advantages
How? Heavy investment (c£60k+ to date) – JGA has authored elearning courses – Configured Moodle (open source VLE) – Purchased and configured OneFile ePortfolio – MIS – Tribal Functional Skills Diagnostic Supporting learners and tutors Hosting and other costs 7JGA non-confidential
Is this suitable for you? Other providers have the same issues JGA adds value through: – Absorbing set up/configuration costs – Shared training – No or minimum investment – Lower cost per learner Package Solution for other providers, all or parts 8JGA non-confidential
Available (elearning) Level Health & Social Care Level Marketing Level Bus & Admin Level Team Leading/Mgt Level Customer Service Level Assessor Award 9JGA non-confidential
Running Order 9.30 Welcome & Introduction 9.45 Functional Skills Diagnostic Aidan Brooks ePortfolio Lorraine Berry eLearning Trishul Gudka NCFE, IAG Jane Goodwin End Presenters will be available through the day for individual demonstrations and discussions 10JGA non-confidential