CANADIAN HEMLOCK Nicole Woods Period 4
COMMON/LATIN NAME Tsuga Canadensis More commonly referred to as Canadian Hemlock Eastern Hemlock
HARDINESS/TYPE It thrives from zones 3-7 Needled Evergreen Pinaceae Family
GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN Originates from the French speaking regions of Canada Also Eastern North America
FEATURES &REQUIREMENTS 40/70 tall – 25/35 spread Tolerates heavy shade ; prefers part –full shade Requires Medium/Moderate watering Medium moisture Well drained soils Best sited in sheltered locations Can tolerate full sun in Northern climates
CTD. Not drought tolerant Dislikes hot and humid climates Can’t handle climates above 95 degrees Fahrenheit Acidic soil Wind protected
MAINTENANCE Generally a very low maintenance plant Pruning is optional Water thoroughly throughout dry spells Requires thick mulch in the winter
NOTEWORTHY CHARACTERISTICS Member of the pine family Native to moist wooded areas Noted for having the smallest needles and cones in the genus ( 9/16”) long Needles are also singly borne Flat sprays of lacy evergreen foliage Short dark green needles with two white bands beneath State tree of Pennsylvania Tsuga is derived from the Japanese name for trees in this genus
PESTS AND PROBLEMS Some problems include Needle blight Canker, Rusts Rots
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid bagworms, Borers leaf miners saw fly spider mites
LANDSCAPE USES Typical uses are as a specimen plant and a hedge Also used as a privacy screen Avid shade provider
REFERENCES Details.aspx?taxonid=285010&isprofile=1&adv=canadian%20hemloc k Details.aspx?taxonid=285010&isprofile=1&adv=canadian%20hemloc k