Social isolation, substance use and sexual behaviors among high risk MSM SP Kurtz and HL Surratt Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies University of Delaware To examine the relationship between extreme social isolation (ESI) and other psychological states, substance use, and sex risk behaviors. ESI was measured by the UCLA Loneliness Scale, which was validated by strong correlations with dissatisfaction with family, friend and intimate relationships. The sample included ethnically-diverse substance-using MSM ages (median = 39) from Miami / Ft. Lauderdale, USA who reported recent unprotected sex with casual partners. 45% were HIV+.
C ORRELATES OF SEVERE SOCIAL ISOLATION (SI) MULTIVARIATE MODEL Odds Ratio p Severe mental distress DSM-IVR substance dependence Severe victimization history Extreme personal shame High sexual escapism
S EX RISK BEHAVIORS AND SOCIAL ISOLATION (SI) Past 90 day behaviors w/Severely Not SI casual partners (means)SI (N=174) (N=218) p Anal sex partners ns Anal sex partners - receptive Anal partners - rec. no condom Anal sex times ns Anal sex times - no condom ns Anal sex times - receptive Anal sex times - rec. no condom Anal sex times per partner