IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Working Group 3B Developing a Capable NEPIO Difficulties and Solutions (solutions will follow difficulties)
IAEA Questions/Difficulties/Solutions 1. How do countries understand the NEPIO concept? 1. The agency should better communicate with MS on the functions and responsibilities of NEPIO 2. MS have responsibilities to work with the Agency and other MSs to develop a NEPIO suitable for their needs 2. Coordination among participating organizations 1. Adequate authorization, staffing, funding and a mandate for NEPIO are required 2. NEPIO must have the right staff for coordination with internal groups 3. Organizations within the MS providing information must willingly work with NEPIO experts with minimal beaurocracy
IAEA Questions/Difficulties/Solutions 3. Training may become an issue 1. MS should share organizational structures of NEPIO and results of the evaluations and self assessments 2. Separate training should be provided on NEPIO---IAEA should provide training on NEPIO and train the trainers 3. Regional training should be considered 4. How many staff are needed to form NEPIO? 1. NEPIO should focus on the functions, not the size of the staff 2. Expertise is needed for all19 issues 3. It is not the number of staff, but the ability to provide recommendations to the responsible Minister 4. IAEA Workforce planning documents should advise on NEPIO staffing
IAEA Questions/Difficulties/Solutions 5. Should NEPIO have adequate authority, funds, and staff? 1. Government should make appropriate commitments for authority, funding, and staff 2. NEPIO Director should have access to the right people and capabilities within the MS 6. Should NEPIO have knowledgeable staff (expertise) to handle 19 infrastructure issues? 1. The MS should understand the capabilities of its staff when NEPIO is established 2. Gaps in expertise need to be addressed
IAEA Questions/Difficulties/Solutions 7. NEPIO dissolves after phase 2, right? 1. NEPIO should exist as long as it is needed 2. Care must be taken not to allow NEPIO to become too powerful to have a negative impact on the nuclear program over time 8. Is it appropriate to use consultants on NEPIO or as the NEPIO? 1. Consultants can be used to the appropriate level 2. It is important for the MS to maintain ownership of the process
IAEA Questions/Difficulties/Solutions 9. Should members of NEPIO be full time or part time (logistic issue)? 1. NEPIO should be composed of borrowed staff from other organizations and be full time 2. Consider use of consultants as needed 3. Consider bilateral arrangements with other MS to assist NEPIO